
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What I Gained Through Squireship- by Zach "Rubis" Senchuk

What I got out of the squireship is a much longer answer. I think I was given the opportunity to discover what being a knight means to me. Knowing how to make armor, build weapons that are safe and effective, expanding your connections both in your order but also in the different corners of the game. It's important to know the magic system and have an educated idea of our rules.To contribute those ideas in hopes to better the game at the Players Meeting and if applicable the EH Meeting. Knowing how to be a good NPC and how to throw a successful event are strictly OOC things that I think are mandatory to being a knight in the community. Knowing that there is always more to learn and pushing yourself to do so and applying the new things you've learned towards the game and last but not least on this list is the ability to be available for the new and old players alike in our community. 

I have worked with Angie for 5 1/2 years and counting, our working method involves identifying any aspects that need to be improved upon, coming up with a plan to learn any identified skills and then very open communication about how things are going until the task is completed. Sometimes I would receive a task not understanding the benefit behind it and I would do it to and would discover the value in a task afterward. Sometimes I would receive a task and be skeptical about what she was trying to teach me and I would raise this concern. She was always good about explaining why and what it would do to help me. 

Despite the wonderful job Angie did to teach me all these things (that I probably wouldn't have pushed myself to do) I didn't really feel like a knight. It's funny because she taught me all these great skills, introduced me to all these amazing people in the community- but it took me wanting to pass those things on to realize that I lived up to my own standard of what being a knight was. She didn't knight me because I passed some arbitrary time measurement to what it takes to be a knight, but because I finally considered myself good enough to pass on all these amazing life skills I got by having her mentor me. She has been a huge inspiration in my life and I hope that I can influence someone as much as she has on me.