
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ask Syruss

Photo by Jesse Gifford

Ask Sir Syruss. Sir Syruss is a seasoned adventurer with over 10 years of experience slaughtering undead and charming the ladies, beating up bad guys, frustrating good guys, and grossing out the ladies. So if you have a question no matter how bizarre, weird or funny (the funnier the better then we can sell more issues of the View) consider asking the man who loves to tell you how to live your life……..even though no one tells you how to live your life.

(OOC- Questions for Sir Syruss should be sent to view staff at

Dear Syruss,

My friends and I are in the same nation together, but we disagree on a lot of things (like religion, magic versus fighting) to the point we really don't work together as an adventuring team any more. I don't want to break up the band, though. Any thoughts about how to stick together, even if we don't quest together?

Cordially Yours,
Hug It Out?

Great Question, Huggsies!

     Nation differences, what are you going to do? Am I right?
    Oh wait, you’re asking me what to do….I got this.
     Well, there are a few factors:

      Are you in charge? If so, kick out all those who question your total superiority…..just kidding. But if you are in charge (or if you are looking to lead a group soon) it is important to lay down the law. Make it clear what your nation (now referred to as Nation Awesome) is all about. What do you wish your nation's image to be?  Then recruit like-minded individuals. Pretty soon, you will be surrounded by people just like you.

AHHHH the thought of being surrounded by lots of other Syrusses made me shiver.

     But if you’re a leader and you don’t want conformity, but still want group synergy, try laying out goals for your group. Maybe putting together an epic adventure for others to try and complete. Or throwing a large ball for all your friends to stuff their faces and dance the night away.

Big picture: goals help people come together, it gives you a common thing to strive for and helps push everyone to be their best.

       Are you another cog in the machine?  This can feel more daunting; trying to change things from a non-position of power. Yet, it can still be done.
     Make yourself an asset, a go-to guy for advice or maybe fixing things. You will see more of the Nation of Awesome members seeking you out for projects or talks. This will help you re-discover these old friendships that made “the band” the Nation you wanted to join.  It will also give you credibility with your leaders when you suggest some changes.
     Whatever your position in Nation Awesome, things will go faster and smoother for you if you are the one making connections and reaching out to your peers. No one is going to read your mind (or this self-help column) so it is unlikely that people will just KNOW where you are coming from.  Plus it will show initiative, show passion, and show you care about your peers and the growth of your nation.
     Lastly, a good thing to get everyone back on the same page. A common enemy !!!! If you can't like each other, at least hate the same things. Maybe hunting down the dark wizard or planning a raid on the evil necromancer who took the last slice of pizza will be just the thing to bring the band back together for a reunion tour.
     Remember: “Things can always be fixed before throwing them out, and if they can’t, buy a new one and don’t tell Nymbous you broke it”

Love Always,

Sir Syruss O’Leary

Master of Questions
Knight of the Potentium
Knight of the Blue Rose
Order of the List