
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ask Syruss

Ask Sir Syruss. Sir Syruss is a seasoned adventurer with over 10 years of experience slaughtering undead and charming the ladies, beating up bad guys, frustrating good guys, and grossing out the ladies. So if you have a question no matter how bizarre, weird or funny (the funnier the better then we can sell more issues of the View) consider asking the man who loves to tell you how to live your life……..even though no one tells you how to live your life.

(OOC- Questions for Sir Syruss should be sent to view staff at

Hey Cyrus, 

I've been an independent player for a while now and am seriously torn by a question. Why should or shouldn't I join a nation? 

Torn Apart By A Realms Decision
(Get it? TABARD?)

Cyrus?!? CYRUS?!?... my name is in the article you…I…oh never mind

Dear Writing to the Wrong Syruss,

You have been rocking the indie circuit huh? Making your name battling from country to country? Slaying foes wherever you land? No one or king to hold you back? I like that. I dig that. Hell I respect that.

The Realms use to be filled with dashing young independent adventurers. There was a day, an age, where there were very few tabards. People knew you were in a country by reputation. Now there were always nations, but not so many pop up nations as we see now. Usually a new nation would pop up, hone its skills, and then be butchered up and served to different nations with a keen eye for recruiting. Or in other cases these new nations would take a year or so together get there footing and realize what they need and wanted out of these lands and then would go petition nations of similar views and actions.

Now to answer your question on WHY you need to assess what every independent before you did, and that is “What Nation best suits me?”

I can't just tell you "oh yeah join a nation. Its great super fun and makes life easier". Because frankly that’s not true, or rather only partially true.

When you join a nation expect a few things such as

1.     Playing to your nation's mind set. Did you join a nation of adventurers when you like tourneys more? Did you join a nation of undead hunter but you love necromancy? BTW necromancy is evil and should be eradicated at all costs. Maybe you joined a party nation, but are more of a refined adventure. Well then your choice of nations likely won't work out for you.

You need to make sure the views and the actions of the nation you are about to join/petition are up your alley and fit with your adventuring motif. You will enjoy yourself more and make closer bonds if the group you are joining is full of likeminded individuals.

2.     Do you like to work hard? Is the nation you joined seasoned story tellers and gathering holders? Do they like to put on a big soiree? Well if you ever wondered how Rhiassa manages to throw one of the biggest feasts or how Folkstone manages to defend the western flank with so many  heroes during their gathering, the answer is simple. BOOTS on the ground. They have men and women from their nation who steps up in a big way (they also have outside help from other nations who either A. Help due to political ties or B. Because we like helping).

But at any rate this is what is to be expected. You are no longer playing for you. You are playing for a nation, that hopefully becomes a family.

3.     TIME TO REPRESENT!!! Consider you play style. Are you a villain, ARE YOU? Come on we know you are. Well mister/miss Naughty Free Agent the things you did before that only use to fall on you now have consequences for others around you. The things you say and do will reflect your new home. From experience I can say Lord generally don’t like showing up gathering after gathering listening to the shenanigans you did the week before (or at least Blade use to hate hearing about Rohde and I)

This is definitely something to consider. Are you ready to play representing others?

Now this might seem like a lot of negative things that come with a nation (negative of course if you hate extra responsibility),  but there are tons of great things that come out of joining a nation.

Your nation can help you grow. What do you want to achieve here in these lands?  Do you wish to excel at the marshalling or combat aspect? Perhaps you wish to take your adventuring to the next level.

Well when you are in a group you are pushed harder to shine. You are no longer a stand-alone star, you need to be better than the next guy to shine brighter than that orange and yellow tabard.

But the friendly competitive nature spawns some of the greatest bonds.  I was luckily to come up with the people I did. They made me who I am today. Frankly if it wasn’t for Shandar, Rohde, and Jaha breaking weapons over me on a consistent basis I wouldn’t be the fighter I am. For the adventure side if I didn't quest and go out with some of my peers like Dell I wouldn’t have the grasp I do on certain magics.

You see, you are probably set in your ways. You quest the way you quest and fight the way you fight. But I am a strong believer in there is always something to learn, and the best way to learn (at least for me) is to train with people who do things differently than me. Then I take what I learn from adventure A and B and make my own style of C.

Are you a story teller that has always struggled with staff? Being part of something bigger than you means there are those who are going to want to see you succeed. You will have a whole new source of Western Flank defenders, cooks in your kitchen, mentors to lean on with difficult goals you set for yourself.

But most importantly in my humble opinion

Your nation should be like a family, a great group of folks you can lean on in a time of need. As you get closer to your new group (and you will definitely like some more than others trust me) they will shed the skin of just being this group you see at events. You could find yourself to some of the best OOR (Out of Realms) vacations. You can share on others life journeys and see amazing weddings and be there for the births of a new generation.

Before you know it this group of friends you use to see only on the weekends becomes something you can’t see yourself without.

 At the end of the day you need to look at yourself and think “Would I look good in those colors”

And remember  
You certainly didn’t ask for them, and you can’t trade’em, but out of the billions of beings on our planet, they’re the ones who know you best. They’re the ones who cherish you, and whom you should cherish in return – whether they’re your biological family or otherwise.
-  Sir Nymbous O’Leary

Hope this helps. Sorry if it doesn’t.

Sir Syruss O’Leary
Question Master Extraordinaire
Knight of the Potentium
Knight of The Blue Rose