
Friday, February 6, 2015

Happenings on the Emerald Path

A news and announcements section of what Realms players are doing outside of the Realms. If you know of any news feel free to let us know at

Welcome to the world Briella Bernard, daughter of Jonathan "Johan" and Kym "Sariette" Dragon Bernard!!! Weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces, she was born around noon on February 1st.


Congratulations to our marine Dano "Piper" Knobell, who was promoted to Corporal. 

Best wishes to Sam "Kazul" Stadlander whose game shop, Rolling Paragon Games, LLC will be opening on Sunday February 8th at 578 West Boylston Rd. in Worcester. Their grand opening celebration will be happening on February 28th. Go "like" them on Facebook.

Congratulations to Courtney "Larien" Lajoie who'll be starting her new job as a Customer Service Representative at Comcast on Monday.

Keith "The Tark" Tatarczuk's first gallery production will be opening on Friday, February 6th at the MagicHat ArtSpace in Burlington Vermont. Their website says the following about his work "The pieces could be viewed as the artist's version of doodles, repeating anatomical parts just as one would repeat a series of learned patterns"  If you happen to make it to Burlington drop by and check it out

Congratulations to Alex "Imari" Sargent, who has embarked on a two-year's Master Program Adventure at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. She will be studying the field of Environmental Science and is planning a trip to the Balkans this summer. We will all miss her dearly but wish her the best of luck!!