
Friday, February 13, 2015

Realms Couples, Part V

As Valentine's Day approaches, we would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate all the awesome couples in the Realms....

Matt "Zula" and Rose "Velvet" Daviault
Together since 2006; married in 2009.

Casey "Karmha" Lemay and Donny "Faust" Ottman
Together since August, 2011.

Christina "Adara" Clements and David "Oliver" Martin
Met at Hunter's Moon, October 2005; together since December 2005. Married July 12, 2014. 

Tucker "Temorse" Noyes and Spreadsheets

A long term secret infatuation that became public in 2012

Bethany "Freesia" and Neil "Neil" Tozier
Together for 10.5 years; married May 1, 2007.

Maryanne "Shalindra" and Kevin "Cinnabar" Betie
Together since fall of 1992; married October 26, 1997. 

Josh "Lako" Fitzgerald and Rosemary "Kyara" Campbell

Met at KoEF Questing 2012, together since December 25, 2012. Engaged June 20, 2014.

Jay "Graham" and Kelly "Twenaria"
Together since 2009; married in 2011.

“Loyalty, honor, a willing heart, I can ask no more than that.” — Thorin Oakenshield