
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Rest in Peace- Luc Handchuh "Luc of Achoria"

It is with great saddness that I share that one of the people from Western Mass, I started my realms career with, Luc Handschuh who played Luc from Achoria, has passed away. While he was far from outspoken, and didn't push into the limelight he was a good friend to many.

Luc's wife Becca passed away due to cancer in August  of 2013 two weeks after the birth of their second daughter. Sadder still Luc had medical issues as well having an operation for a brain tumor in December of 2012, followed by another in February of 2014.

He still retained an awesome attitude, was a wonderful father, and kept smiling.

Though it had been years since he participated in game regularly, you may have seen him when he visited at Feast of Leviathan 2013

Exactly a week ago I wrote him to ask him to do a "Where are they now" piece for the View. I prefaced it by saying I knew life had been challenging and would understand if he wanted to opt out. His response was that he'd be happy to. I mentioned that "There is no one I know who has had more challenges. It amazes me that you seem to keep smiling". His response was, "Gotta take what life hands me and enjoy whatever I might have left while I can".

I'm so sad for the timing and that we won't get the chance to hear his stories. I'm sad that not everyone had a chance to meet him.  I'm also sad that the only Realms picture I could find of him was the one above where he was NPC'ing and covered in black paint (he is on the far right in the front row).

I encourage those who knew him to share any memories or pictures you have. I know Jon and Sara Jessop stayed close with him and will be able to share more on how those who wish to can donate toward a fund for his young daughters, Hannah (5 years old) and Elenor (6 months), as well as details on any public services.