
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Five Ladies by Quazar (Rissa Sullivan)

Lo do the Ladies look upon us not from on high but from within first. There are five sister Goddesses can be called upon together or individually in our time of need. Who are these pillars of the Church of the Five Ladies lingering just beyond the veil?

Lady Fortuna, also called Tyche or Tymora is lady luck. Raise your glass to her when the winds of fate are weighted for or against you. Tymora followers can be found at the casino tables and also with us at the precipice of battle. She hears the calls of those who have made their choice and look to ensure it comes about. These choices and decisions are the ones which rely on the whim fate or the winds of change instead of changing a course which is primarily set in stone. Look to her in her symbol of the coin and her followers adorning her color of yellow.

Lady Xaos is the least intellectually known through experience and yet she is simple. Void. Nothingness and everything. When called she doesn’t answer with words or quests. At times there are visions as her voice but truly it is in the stillness that her wisdom lies. Those who follow her are observers and still in their core. They seek knowledge where at first glance there may be none. She has no symbol and adorns her followers in purple.

Lady Diskordia looks to … well, who truly knows her intentions or plans? Discord is presented in the ways of chaos. She speaks through the unexpected and illogical. Those who follow her understand the benefit of the element of surprise without well thought out plans. Perhaps there is a method to her madness, however I doubt she would say. Look to those favoring her in reds and blacks and a spiral or nine pointed star for her devotees.

Lady Luna, in this incarnation through the Church of the Five Ladies, has shown herself to be a shining light in the darkness. Unlike the sun she doesn’t simply push darkness away but instead illuminates hidden form and information. Many would call on her for assistance in divination, finding direction when all avenues seem lost. Silver and a crescent moon are her colors and symbol.

Lady Eris, Strife. What can be more simple than this? Many who look for her favor look to great deeds on the battlefield. This is only one aspect of Eris. She is also known for the strife we all hold within. She is called to the strife in the choices we make, the turmoil caused in such cases and battle. Look to those with green and gold as well as the golden apple as her symbol.

Individually or together the ladies are able to assist in the most important of tasks as well as unlock deep potential in the devoted.