
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What You Missed - Feast of Highbridge III

[Editor's note: all photos by Jesse Gifford]

This was the third occasion of the University of Highbridge's Open Class Day and Feast, and this year again it can be stated most certainly that a good time was had by all. The format followed the previous years - a full afternoon of classes followed by a feast that was guaranteed to make the hungry students and professors full - or bust.  The list of classes, taught by many different members of the greater Realms community, was posted well in advance of the day so that interested students could peruse the offerings and have ample time to register  their preferred selections.  There was a wide variety to chose from, so everyone was sure to find something that piqued his or her interests.  Topics included economics, Realms fashion and garb, casino game theory and dealing, marshalling, tea and tea ceremonies, history, questing skills, and combat tactics, as well as a number of classes geared towards different aspects of spellcasting such as ethics, support casting, and progression. In addition, the Knights of the Realms Challenge was also being run as a class. A dayboard was provided during the afternoon  which included light snacks and a selection of dips, butters, and breads.         

Gathered by the dayboard

Students hard at work

As the afternoon wound down into early evening, classes started to let out.  Hungry students and teachers made their way down to the dining area, eager to relax and socialize with each other and anxious for the epic amount of food that they would soon face.  In keeping with the Highbridge tradition, the meal was to consist of light tea fare and savory pies as an appetizer, followed by a salad, an entree, and a dessert.  Having recently returned from Danaan, however, Mistress Tria's  sense of time and order was a little, ahem, altered. Because of this, all the course were actually served in reverse order.  Imagine everyone's surprise then when dessert was served first! They were able to overcome their misgivings, however, as the dessert was Boston Creme French Toast - pastry cream sandwiched between two pieces of cinnamon French toast, coated in chocolate ganache.  A uniquely delicious confection and I'm glad it came first so I had plenty of room for it. 

Dessert is the first course

Socializing between courses

 Therefore, due to Mistress Tria's (un)fortunately altered timing, the entree course was served following dessert. This consisted of a Create-Your-Own pasta bowl. Each person was given a card listing various options for pasta, toppings, and sauces, and could pick as many - or as few-  as he or she wanted. Sauces (all made in Tria's kitchen) included marinara, Alfredo, and teriyaki sauces, as well as a roasted garlic oil and an onion gravy. Toppings included a variety of meats, cheeses, and roasted vegetables.  Helping to prepare the dishes in the kitchen, I can say that there were definitely some interesting creations going out to the guests, and everyone seemed to be enjoying their orders. 

Pasta with meatballs, sausage, chicken, mushrooms, basil, white sauce, mozzarella
 The salad course was a Santa "Fae" salad which was a mixed vegetable and bean salad with spicy peppers and cheese tossed in a cilantro-balsamic vinaigrette dressing, served with fried zucchini chips. The next course, savory pies, included a steak and ale pie and a macaroni and cheese pie. As the final course, a variety of light tea bites were served - various teas, along with cucumber sandwiches, peanut butter and chocolate-hazelnut sandwiches, and toffee  brittle.

This hat was making rounds

Of course, Aeston's hat must also make it's rounds

 There are a few things that must be noted. First, while there was no cherpumple, Mestoph (of The Charge of Mestoph's Appetite fame) did in fact receive a special dessert of his own from Mistress Tria - instead of pies inside a cake, he was given cakes inside of pies, much to his amusement and delight. Mayhap there will be a new song next year. 

Mestoph's special course

 Also, all those who were registered with the University as receiving the Professor level of dining were given a special token, with which they could obtain access to Highbridge's famed Tea and Cheese Cart. Making it's rounds throughout the afternoon, the Cheese Cart contained a wide variety of wondrous cheeses - rare, fancy, bold, and everywhere in between.  But the cart was more than just the cheese- there were also specialty meats, chips, breads, dips, spreads, and a beverage. During the final course of dinner, the cheese cart became the tea cart, and boasted a variety of items in addition to the light tea snacks already being served. Access to the Tea Cart allowed you access to the following:  cinnamon rolls, tea cakes, spice cookies, and turkey and brie sandwiches. 

The Professors' cheese cart!

 So that's what you missed -  a nice, long, and fulfilling day. There were plenty of interesting class options to chose from, and plenty of time to relax and enjoy each others' company during the feast that followed the classes. Mistress Tria certainly made good on her promise to provide the feast-goers with a full-to-the-point-of-rupture stomach, with different courses of unique and delicious food.  Sounding fun? Then I suggest you try to make it next year,  you won't be disappointed!