
Monday, March 30, 2015

Where are they now- Mark "Cutter McMain" Marciel

Mark Marciel, played the game from the late 80’s through the mid 90’s. The following is some insight into his game experience in his own words.

I started as an npc during the days of "Lost Chest" which I believe was run by John Wrisley. I played a Demon in the Swamp with Phil Lamson for the day. I played until the late 90's. I left after that due to my feelings on how events were being run and the overabundance of magical weapons, and the hoarding of them by powerful groups.

The real Origin of my main and most well-known character, "Captain Cutter McMain", was at the very first Pyriden event held by Rich Trombly. All the attendees at the event chose a character to play for the event. Phill Lamson, aka "BS Eurbakka" the Freebooter and I were the only pirates. The rest is history. I won the event and claimed the "Champion’s Sword" as my prize. As well as a pair of gauntlets which each held one heal limb and were rechargeable by a healer. So I became a Paladin/Pirate? I guess. Back then the "Champion’s Sword" had a major bane to it. Yes it was ultra-powerful and ignored all armor and immediately scalped you if you were hit, but, anytime it was drawn from its sheath the was a REAL good possibility of the "Shadow Lord" showing up to kill scalp and turn players against the
event under his direct control. 

Cutter's Titles were: Cutter McMain Pirate Lord of Corsica, Knight healer of Pyriden, Priest of the first circle of the Church of the Catlord, and Knight of the Eternal Flame. I Co-Founded the Gamblers Guild. For a time in the Realms if your currency was not accepted at Gamblers Guild tables it was worth next to nothing. So I guess you could say that we controlled the Realms economy for a short while in a way. 

Cutter's homeland was the Island of Corsica off the coast of the Realms. Corsica and Tang-Hua were at War off and on for many years due to Corsica's pirating and looting of Tang-Hua ships. Then we had a treaty of sorts with Emperor Stonedragon for a short while where there were Corsican passes made of Stained Glass art. There were three in existence.

The treaty was abandoned when Lord Soth took control of the Corsican Cartels after Cutter disappeared into the Purple Mists on a quest for the Questing Beast. Some say Cutter died. He did not die but still lives in another place he calls New Corsica. He owns a Tavern and Gambling hall. You want more tails just ask.

Out of character, I co-founded the Marshall's Guild, NPC'd countless events, held The Corsican Games, and marshaled at countless events. I was the co-inventor of the Corsican Mug Battle with Sir Highrider. (by the way the way I have seen the battle done in recent years is not the original). ;)

I believe I was in the Realms in its infancy and through the days I love to call the days of high adventure. I Fought a field battle and was in a fight with Dame Gill who was one of the Realms first Female Knights, and as far as I am concerned one of the most honorable and best fighters I have ever had the pleasure of crossing swords with. I was wielder of the Champion’s Sword- the first wielder.
I took on a quest to return the soul of the head of our Church BS by questing for the questing beast. 

But In Queen Meg of Chimeron's wording:

"Cutter, you must quest for the questing beast, when you find it you must slay it, skin it, and bring its hide to me."

 No one had ever even successfully gotten anywhere near the questing beast for that was its power-the eternal search for it. So my quest was....well daunting to say the least. That was my finest moment as an honorable character. There were many tales, however, of me robbing and stealing and well...
being a pirate. Maybe I should write them down but I always tell a better story by a fire then write words”.

He currently lives in the Florida Keys with his wife in a “Pirate Paradise” he calls "New Corsica”. Professionally he has primarily been a truck driver. He plays a RPG on the rolld20 site and loves RPG PC games (Mass Effect trilogy/Skyrim/Dragon Age Trilogy)

His last visit to Realms wasn’t positive, “The last event I went to was a wakeup call that my days are passed. It was a sad thing to see NPC's with no masks or outfits or even acting really in character.
And those who wielded all the magic weapons with the most powerful fighters controlled the field. I saw a lot of bullying and lots of drunkenness. Not to say in my day we didn't PARTY. but I mean A LOT of drunkenness is bad. They say it has gotten better. But I don't know. I live far away and cannot afford a trip there these days.” He did say he, “would love to go to an event were all the old crew came back”.

In closing he said, “I had my day and my times in the Realms. They were some of the greatest times in my life. The Gamblers Guild, The Church of the Catlord, The Champions Sword and all its headaches. The Gypsies (Long Story). My one and only other character of note, Sergei Molestovitch the Cossack. Nights at the taverns. Sitting around a fire while the Gypsies and ladies danced. The Duke of Glendale events.... It was a magical time in my life and I miss it and remember it well”.