
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Where are they now- Michael "Symir" LaBossiere

An update from Michael "Symir" LaBossier on where he (and Katie) are now...

 “I actively played from around 2002-2012, although I still make an appearance at each year's Feast of the Leviathan. You may have noticed myself and my wife Katie at the registration desk, and in the past two years my son Drew joined us as well.

I joined Rhiassa as my main character Symir in 2005, and was knighted a Knight of Rhiassa in 2012. I briefly tried playing an alt, but quickly went back to just playing Symir. In my time in Rhiassa, I fought alongside many great people, and made some very close friends. My main contributions were helping to run many Queen of Hearts, Feast of Leviathans, and the What Lurks Beneath series of events. My greatest memories are of the "epic" moments that happen at events like Queen of Hearts when dozens of people clash in huge battles. I think my favorite was one of the earlier ones where I fought instead of helping run the event. It was a rainy event, and we were fighting in torrential downpours. Something about fighting in the rain was just awesome, right up until the lightning starting striking. Wearing metal mesh suits in a lightning storm is a bad idea!

Photo by Matt Norris
 I currently live in northern MA. I have a wonderful wife Katie, my son Drew who is coming up on 2 years old, and a couple of cats. My current main hobbies are competitive pistol shooting and Magic: The Gathering.

I would definitely like to come back to the Realms someday. I miss the camaraderie and the excitement, but right now my other priorities take up enough time that I can't commit enough time to the Realms.”