
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

WIWTG Feast of Pi(e)

Why do I want to go to the event on Saturday, March 14th?
I like pie.  
Ive heard the excitement about Pi day from various people in years past, and know of at least one other Pie Feast, but to combine the two?  Brilliant.
From personal experience, I can attest to the delicious nature of the Pies (deserves to be capitalized) made by the event holder for this feast.
There will also be some light questing, and no official court.  Exciting for many.

If you are into gambling, this looks like the event to be at!  Personally, I don't know the difference between poker and go fish, but I see many types of games listed on the announcement.  Poker, craps, blackjack (I know that one!).  There are some set buy ins for the poker tourneys, please see the event description for full details.