
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ask Syruss

Greetings, Queen Sir Syruss (I read that is what you are called in previous missives),

If you're working your way up the ladder, isn't there nowhere to go once you're a knight? Most people don't even think squiring or giving "lesser" jobs to a knight would help them improve (which, in my opinion, is a shame. A knight can always improve).

- Sir Sees a Glass Ceiling -----

Dear Glass Ceiling (you must not throw stones in this weirdly-designed house),

The title Knight, Sir or Dame, represents hard work and recognition. But should that be what you are striving for: a name, a title? What’s in a name? Would your actions represent you in another light if you were called King, Duke or Sir.. Or do they represent YOU as a trainer, combatant, adventurer or student?

These are questions you need to ask yourself. What’s next? Do you think you hit the top?  What is your top? Are you a Knight of the Eternal Flame looking to be a Knight of the Realm? Or are you a Knight of the Realm and can’t see your next task? (By the by, I don’t know a single KoR who doesn’t have a dozen goals they still work and strive for).

I find squiring and mentoring people helps me stay active in my learning processes. As a Knight of the Potentium one of our core mottoes is “Always strive to teach and remember there is always something to learn.” Through teaching I am often challenged by my squires to teach them in such a way that they can both learn and excel at the tasks given. Some people learn better with the lash to the back while others need to be shown thoroughly through each assignment; still others like to grow and make their own mistakes and learn through the Sir Edison method: “Find a hundred ways not to make a single short before you discover the right way.”

Never be afraid to ask another knight how they teach a student - maybe it will be something you never considered, or maybe your ward will adapt better to this technique. In this instant you figured out how to reach someone in a new way while learning something yourself along the way.

Maybe teaching isn’t your weak point. Maybe you yourself need goals. What are you currently working on? What haven’t these lands seen yet in the way of innovations? What story would you like to tell the lands you love? Having goals in front of you forces you to keep working and striving for something. Now along the way you may hit a snag and need help; if so, please refer to my “never be afraid to ask another knight for help” comment above. Maybe your friend has a great idea for a scene at your gathering, maybe they made an early concept of a project you are trying to perfect.

The ultimate beauty of this game is it's community. With a deep pool filled with some of the best seamstresses, foamsmiths, story-tellers, and feast-o-crats, there is plenty of resources out there for you to learn from.

But please, once you thought you've learned it all: teach, share, motivate and shape the next generation. I promise if you thought you knew it all before, take another squire - they will teach you a thing or two. Like Sir Nymbous O’Leary says: “A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.”

I hope this helps, I know it will.

Sir Syruss O’Leary
Question Master
Knight of the Potentium
Knight of the Blue Rose
Cutest Queen of Hearts Ever