
Thursday, August 6, 2015

What You Missed: The Event Which Must Not Be Named IV (photos)


The House favors, Prefect sashes, banners, and the House Cup are ready for the new year of students:
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A selection of Hogsmeade favorites await the students: licorice wands, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Owl Droppings, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and the classic Chocolate Frogs (with famous wizard trading cards!):
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Everyone's favorite sweet brew:
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 The sorting hat barely touched Cinnabar's head before it yelled out "Yikes! Okay, okay! Slytherin!"
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Trelawney sit on a Tribunal, asking the students of Hogwarts to bring forth any known Death Eaters among them. All were silent.
Photo by Jason Rosa

To help determine the Champion of Gryffindor for the Tri-Wizard Cup, Grebinar pulls members of his house on a sled in the "Chariot Race":
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 Shalindra of House Ravenclaw readies her aim in the Ball Toss, another championship challenge for the Tri-Wizard cup:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 Battling fire elementals and fire imps were part of dealing with Charms class this year as Hogwarts students learned the "Aguamenti" spell and used it to put out magical fires:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 The "Aguamenti" spell, fired from special wands, was also necessary to make the fire elementals vulnerable to damage:
Photo by Jason Rosa

 In Herbology class, the Gilly Monster and other plant creatures such as Devil's Snare guarded the area where students had to harvest Snargaluff pods:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 During Potions class, House Slytherin tries to deduce what combination of Snargaluff pods will create the right alchemic solution to alter the emotions of the students in detention in Professor Snape's dungeon:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

Fred the friendly giant octopus harassed the Hogwarts students by throwing ink balls at them as they dove into the great lake in order to find the cup of Helga Hufflepuff:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 Also while under water, the students had to deal with the stinging, paralyzing tentacles of the Grindylows:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 After they retrieved the cup, a group of Inferi awoke at the bottom of the lake and chased the students back to the Great Hall:
Photo by Kyle Yazinka

 [Editor's note: head on over to the event archive at and check out the excellently done event review by James "Sir Tao" Murphy that also doubles as a very in-character What You Missed for this event.]