
Thursday, August 20, 2015

What You Missed - QoH XXII Crafting Tourneys

[Editor's note: all photos by View staff except where otherwise noted. I apologize, but I was not able to get photos of the Foamsmith entrants before Sir Wil took them for use in the Champion's Tourney - Areni]

The Trapper entry from Team Hooray

Team Kara's trapper entry

Members of Team Kara perform during the Bardic Tourney

Swoop and Pilpus of Team Hooray perform during the Bardic Tourney

Armourer entrant for Team Kara, by Charwindle and Mayerling

This piece featured detachable pauldrons and shoulder cape

Hand-painted Mayerling heraldry

Armourer entry for Team Hooray by Saegan - each picture tells a story

Garb entrant for Team Hooray, by Twen and friends

The headpiece from Hooray's entrant

Team Kara's entrant - fancy toga dress by Karmha (Photo by Jesse)



Come back tomorrow for a special piece on each team's banner and heraldry!