
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Stacked Deck - update from Artisans' Summer Fling

by James "Sir Tao" Murphy

At Artisans Summer Fling:

There was a 20 gold buy in with 8 players. It was Hold-em and each player started with 7000 chips with 20 minute blinds. There were 2 rebuys in the first so the pot was 200 gold. It was decided that the top three players would get gold. As has been his way, (hold-em is not his game) Sir Shawn was out first. The smaller stacks kept winning their all-ins so it was quite a while until we got down to the final 4. The stacks were fairly close between Damion, Eamon, K, and Tao. The first person to earn points was Eamon, when his all-in hopes were crushed by Damion. This put Damion as the large chip stack. A bit more back and forth and K was getting short; he doubled up through Damion putting everyone back on even ground. Eventually both Damion and Tao made a hand on the river; unfortunately for Damion the Ace that made his straight, made Tao’s flush. Damion went out in 3rd getting his 20 gold buy in back and deck points. This left Tao and K to fight it out. And then Tao went card dead. He lost almost every hand for the next 30 minutes giving K the chip lead. Tao saw his stack dwindle and went all in with 10 5 off, K called with A 3 off, and it was over when the board was no help. Tao received 55 and K won 105 gold.

So the points awarded were
1)      Sir K                       5
2)      Tao                         3
3)      Damion                   2
4)      Eamon                    1
We did have a few new faces who came close to the points good luck to Tazzy and Hippy the next time they enter.

This puts the standings at:
1)      Tao                                        12
2)      Jinx                                         9
3)      Mathias                                   9
4)      Eamon                                    6
5)      Shadow                                  6
6)      Sir K                                      5
7)      Jayce                                     5
8)      Rillian                                    5
9)      Damion                                 3
10)   Daekara                               3
11)   Pheonix                                3
12)   Meds                                   2
13)   PJ                                        2
14)   Nova                                    2
15)   Mestoph                               1
16)   Eldritch                                 1

Future gambling:
Feast of Folkestone Sep 4th, Blackwood Clontarf Casino, Table games, 50/60 (50 Blackwood 60 other) gold buy in. This will start shortly after we all gather and will be designed that it could take 2-3 hours with breaks for court/auction. 

Feast of Blackwood, Sep 25-27, Blackwood Clontarf Casino, Table games, 50/60 (50 Blackwood 60 other) gold buy in. This will start at 12:30 and will play to a time limit. (More than 4 hours, exact schedule to be determined) 

Feast of Nedan, Oct 17th, TBA

Black and White had gambling last year, I do not know if they will again (I hope so)

Feast of Fairhaven Nov14, Blackwood Clontarf Casino, Table games, 25/30 (25 blackwood/30 other), exact start time to be determined. (This might be the last event that will have a tournament at it)

If you know of gambling that will be happening at an event that is not listed here, or if you have more details about gambling happening at a listed event please let Sir Tao know and he will include it in future updates.