
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Why I Want To Stay Home

Here we are, the beginning of a new week, and we’re not packing. We’re not shopping. We’re not crafting madly, and we are looking forward to NOT going to Realms this weekend.  Yep, I just said that.   Let’s face it- much of our community is having a conflict.  There is just too much great stuff to do in the world.

We live in an area that comes alive in the Summer/Fall and many of us who went through years of hitting events almost every single weekend, Friday-Sunday (I had one year where I went to 48 events), missed a lot of it when we are in our “obsessed with the game stage”.  Things as quaint as getting to community events, as mundane as cleaning the house, as important as seeing family, and as novel as hanging out with our friends alternate characters who wear funny clothes and drive cars, are often pushed aside.

Still it is hard to not feel some pressure to be an active eventer. We want to support each other. We feel an obligation to be there for our friends and country members. We don’t want to miss a single part of the story.

Well this weekend you don’t have to worry… you have no option but to not play your main weekend character (well I mean you could but that would be weird), and instead indulge in some guilt free exploration of other things you love.  

Enjoy your weekend off!!
