
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Creathorne Clean Up

Creathorne fall site cleanup 2015:
Sunday came and went, many of the Eventholders who used the site over the season, did not attend cleanup or send body proxies in their place. So they will have to make that up some how before the snow fly's.

Jana G. and James M. did mowing, Ben G, Allyson C. Erin P-M., Illy G. and Matty L. worked on the prop shed roof.  For the small amount of people who attended we did get a bit completed. We will still be working on things till we have snow on the ground freezes.  Reach out and get in contact with Andy when you have time to make it up to help out.  It's a lot of work to upkeep a site, as every year the Realms grows larger, and more and more people attend events at Little Creathorne Farm.  That's a lot of boots trampling the ground.

Creathorne Spring Clean Up day will be here before you know it, I'll see you there.

All pictures by Andy Disbrow