
Thursday, October 22, 2015

What You Missed - Oaken Guard Fall Training 2015 (photos)

Pennants flutter over the tourney fields

Friendly conversation before the tournies begin

Aeston promotes Kite to Captain and presents her with her mantle of office

Zeno joins the Oaken Guard

Scipio is welcomed into the Oaken Guard

Katya joins the Oaken Guard

Kanye the Giant receives his tabard

Eion joins the Oaken Guard

The Oaken Guard, past and present

Watching the fights; Saegan's awesome hat

Zeno v. Kanye in the Newbie Tourney

William v. Kyro, sword & buckler

Playing some softball

Rillan v. Luke John, hand-and-a-half

The new Oaken Guard members receive tunics for participating

Scipio wins Best Newbie and the prize: custom decorated wooden chest

Kanye poses with one of his Newbie Tourney prize plaques

Enlon v. Raynor

Four-person pile-up

William v. Vuel, sword & marn