
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Vendors of Valehaven, or, How to Get Your Yule Shopping Done

This time of year is a flurry of thing-to-do.   Not only are we dealing with our normal day to day endeavors, but we need to cope with the added lists of being joyful, decking halls, and gift giving.
Sometimes, those gifts are for very special people involved in a Secret Santa style gift exchange.  (Do I need to go over this?  Oh, yes, please!)
Each year, for almost a decade, the Realms is treated to its version of the office holiday party.  People get together, (mostly) set aside differences, and have a wonderful time.  Questing, gambling, eating (so much eating), imbibing, helping charity, visiting Father Yule, singing carols, and the gift swap are just SOME of the activities for you to partake in.
In case you have been under a rock, or just ignoring the notifications, the gift swap is a wholly in character gift swap.  by answering simple questions, and sending your name and answers to a specialized team, you are signed up.  Soon after submitting your name, you get a match.  It is up to you on what you get your giftee.  Maybe this year, things are a little tight.  Home made goods are very popular.  This year was good to you?  Be generous.  Spoil your person with an absurdly amazing gift.  Ive seen the gamut, from super impressive, customized perfect gifts, to sad store bought cookies.  With the price tag still on.

Im not telling you what to do, but don't be the cookie guy.  Instead, turn to one of these amazing vendors in our community.  With these folks alone, you can make anyone's Yule a truly merry thing.  Here is a list of who does what, and how to get in touch with them.

  • Vandoria's Vestments- garb of various styles.  She is very popular, so be sure to get Jen your information and requests ASAP to guarantee your giftee has something to open.  Please contact her at Vandoria's Vestments on Facebook.  

  • Jana Green- Turns out, Jana Green has another talent she has kept hidden from us.  She makes stunning wooden boxes in all sort of styles.  Contact her via Facebook for information and pricing

  • Michael Zajac (Swoop) This talented music student will custom write a song or poem in one of many styles for you.  I bet he would even perform for you, for the right price.  Contact Michael via Facebook for information on how to be famous, or how to really make someone's Yule shine.

  • Ethan Goldman (Jean Baptiste)- jerky.  All kinds of jerky.  Beef, pork, mushroom and some we don't ask about.  Ethan will work with you to ensure you get the flavor and ingredients you want to bring joy to someone's tummy.

  • Britny Fowler- We all know how well dressed the Meyerling crew is.  We all wish for half the style of these crimson clad couture kids. (too much?  I can never tell)  While time is running short, if you get in touch with Britny soon, you can get added to her list for some amazing garb, and while this is to help with gift swap ideas, its ok to spoil yourself, too.

  • Erin Martin- Erin has many talents, and one of the most incredible is what this woman can do with yarn.  Hats, blankets, scarves in many styles.  She is also happy to help with tunics, cloaks and mantles.  Feel free to contact her on Facebook for examples and pricing.

  • Becky Baron-  Here's a neat one, for the special scholar in your life.  Becky makes rune books.  There is no way to elaborate on how amazing these are, you need to see for your self.  Get in touch with Becky soon, these books take time.  Becky's email is

  • Josh Fitzgerald- Look, we all have an ego.  Josh will help stroke that ego by custom painting a miniature for you or someone who deserves to be spoiled.  He is quite artistic and can show you previous examples of his work.  He can be found on Facebook.

  • Megan Matulewicz- Theres hardly need to cover this talent with you all.  Realms Outfitters is well known for quality goods.  Right now, due to materials on hand, Megan is willing to make some pretty sweet cloaks for your lucky giftee.  

If you do not have Facebook, or a friend with Facebook, feel free to contact me at, Ill help you out however I can.