
Thursday, November 5, 2015

What You Missed - Black and White 2015 (photos)

Kovaks and Sir Oliver in the Champion Tournament

Deathly daggers as the Champion Tournament continues

One of the final battles between Sir Wil and Sir Therian

Sir Therian, the winner, kneels before his king

Maybe he's compensating for something....?

Part of the spread early in the day - muffins and mini -quiches

The poison runneth over....drink if you dare

Just a frolicking troll handing out candy

The new national past-time, apparently (or, Aeston is a bad influence)

Examining the loot chest after winning the key from the Shady Knight

Comparing the spoils

Seems to me like a bit of plot is happening here

The auction tables this year - plenty to catch the eye

Swoop tries to keep his butt down in the obstacle course

Lost souls were seem wandering the land, begging for death

On the tournament field -- Hold the Line

Blue shows up to wreck the party, as per usual

Blue is out of sight, out of mind under a pile of leaves

But somehow this troll thought it would be a good idea to pick it up

Aeston's brilliant idea: throw Blue in the lake (FYI, this didn't work)

One of the Iron Bridge anchors in the woods

How could you resist cheese shaped like a porcupine?

Sandwich triangles, hot dips....just some of the tasty offerings

Falafel skewers, house-made hummus

Pork en croute (ie, in a pastry crust)

Everybody gets to dip their own meat

Setting out portions of the dessert competition entries

Sir Gwen takes Charlotte of Rhiassa as her squire

Swoop performs a sonnet written in honor of Princess Bryn

Magus Janus apprentices Edwin

Oliver presents Aymise with an original Chimeron shield

Sir Radstar is made a Lord of the Court

Cimone welcomes Orion into the Azure Guard with a baldric

Kyomi becomes a full member of the Royal House of Chimeron

King Cecil explains the premise behind his Cup of Blood

Putting last minute tickets in before the auction starts

Lining up to dance

The dancing continues

Having a great time

[Editor's note: all photos by View staff]