
Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Very Special Bonus Edition of Uncle Cecil's: Why I Want to Go

What do you look forward to/ get excited about at Uncle Cecil's every year?

"There are enough great things about UCCT that it’s hard to pick just one, but if I had to, I’d say the thing I'm most excited is the Yule Swap. Getting to see people's expressions of glee and surprise when they open something incredible, seeing the time and effort that goes into many of the gifts, those moments are like presents themselves. That and candied bacon."
 - Dave Hayden (Vawn)

"I always look forward to the Santa swap where I get to see the person open my special gift I made them! Plus I get to celebrate the holiday with my second family." 
- Casey Lemay (Karmha)

"I am excited to go to UCCT this year because I love seeing the other side of the players. The heroes of the Realms have their armor and weapons put away. It truly is a time for peace and merriment amongst the nations. It is an opportunity for fighters and casters to share a drink and some war stories. The spirit of the season is infectious throughout the whole tavern and sets my mood to fully enjoy the holiday season."
 - Jen Cloutier (Vandoria)

"Uncle Cecil's is my favorite event of the year. It's the Realms equivalent of an office holiday party, and I feel like it's a time where we can all forget any IC or OOC drama and just be merry together as a community. Also, edible bacon ornaments."
-Alysha Metcalf (Kyntela)

"I miss being at events in general and being able to just relax a bit. At Uncle Cecil’s I get a chance to socialize, have a drink or two, and be with friends. There’s not really much that I absolutely HAVE to do, so taking a night to just enjoy life is a gift in itself. "
- Meg Matulewicz (Kyomi)

"To me Uncle Cecil's is spending the holidays with family. We all work so hard all year putting on events, this is one of those few times where we get to slow down and relax among good company and just enjoy ourselves. It's a time where I reflect on the year and am thankful for everything I've experienced and the people who were with me through it all. It's absolutely one of my favorite events and I look forward to it every year."
- Heather Magnoli (Taliea)

"I have been on staff for this event since the second year. It's going to be very different to not have a responsibility to fulfill and not need to play hostess. I don't get to hit many events these days, so being able to sit and truly enjoy Uncle Cecil's is on top of my list. I am looking forward to enjoying an In Character evening with friends and family, as well as a party to celebrate the season. "
- Beth Tozier (Freesia)