
Friday, December 4, 2015

Ten Questions with Hannah "Nhadala" Blood!

How long have you been playing?
Well, I was 19 for my first event back in 2010. I wore jean shorts and npc'd against Grimloch like a champion. I don't remember the name of the event, so if anyone can tell from the picture, that'd be great! It was at Creathorne farm. Anyway, I loved played the game, but unfortunately only had time for a few events over the years... This summer I've finally had the time to go to tons of events! I have time to work on Kita the Alchemist and Nhadala the converted 3-path. It's been great!

How has the game changed since you've been playing?
WELP! I guess the only change I really know if is changing from PVC to Bamboo weapons... I haven't been in the game consistently enough over the years to really know of anything else.

Who have you learned the most from?
It's hard to pick out specific people. I'm open, and not afraid to ask questions, so pretty much everyone has helped me out. I definitely have to give a shout out to Marc Tetreault and Conrad Barnes, though, for taking extensive amounts of time to explain spell paths to me. Coming back into the game as a caster was a whole new world!

What was your best moment IC?
I've had some fun times in character this year, but my two favorites were the Kita/Keela dying spree from capture the flag night quest at north south, and being possessed by a demon with Bohis at Folkstone questing.

What was your best moment as a NPC/EH/Player?
As a player, I feel I really stepped my game up at QoH this year. I broke my finger (still kind of broken) in the first five minutes. I popsicle sticked that bad boy and spent two days SPRINTING as one of the few people who had repair item in my kit. I loved seeing my efforts go to good use. I ended up getting a cup for Blood Bowl, which I feel is fun with my last name, and was my best event.

What would you like to see changed or developed more in game?
Oh man.... uh... potions! Brewing, using, disposable objects.... it gets a bit confusing and wasteful, and I'm not really sure where to go with it. I love potions, but I feel like.... it might need a rework.

What advice would you give new players?
DON'T BE AFRAID TO GO ALONE. I didn't come to events for YEARS because I was afraid of driving all the way down from Vermont alone. I finally did it this year for the dragon master questing event, and I had an absolute blast. Everyone is sweet and helpful, I ended up meeting a lot of people and as of last month I moved to New Hampshire. Never be afraid of who you are.

What do you love most about the game?
People owning who they are! If you want to be an aggressive fighter, do it! If you want to hardcore roleplay, do it! If you want to be a helpful healer, do it! You want to mess around and be chaotic, do it! Realms is an open world, and I love that people take advantage of it. Without people thinking outside of the box, the game would get boring really fast.

Who would you like to see the next interviews be with? 
Marc Tetreault, Justin Theriault, Rae Nistler.

Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print?
All I have are old pictures of me as fighter NPC and fighter Nhadala!
On a more serious note, the game has been a huge stepping stone for the changes happening in my life. I'd like to thank everyone I've met for being a part of it. Last year I became very sick, and it became a huge set back on my career goals. Ever since then, I've been re-evaluating my previous steps before taking any new steps forward. Realms is a step that I do not, and will never regret. Every time I show up to an event where people I hardly knew 4 months ago come over and give me a big hug, I cannot being to express how much this has meant to me. I'm not sure where I would be without the realms, but all I know is that everything happens for a reason.