
Thursday, December 24, 2015

What You Missed: Pater Yule

 At Black and White each year, a white mailbox magically appears somewhere on the grounds. People who make the trek to find the mailbox are able to write letters to Pater Yule, the mythical figure who bestows joy and gifts at Yuletime. Each year at Uncle Cecil's Tavern, Pater Yule appears at some point during the evening and hands out gifts and notes to good boys and girls in answer to the letters he received earlier this year. Below is a selection of photos documenting Pater Yule's appearance this year. [Editor's note: photos by View Staff]

Pater Yule makes his appearance and addresses the crowd

Pater Yule hands out gifts to the children first

A dragon cape comes out of Pater Yule's bag

A rapt audience

Faelinn receives a gift of arrows

Artoria receives a hand-and-a-half

Caleal is pleased with his anvil

Aymise also receives a sword

Asharn unwraps his gift

Gray leans in conspiratorily

Vanduke gives Pater Yule a grateful hug

Shader receives a large scythe

Tirvanel listens closely

Kyara is excited about her bottle of mead

Ezra claims his gift

Kazul unwraps her shield

Soft is not amused

Umbra receives her gift

Alchemy supplies are uncovered

Rel looks in the box, and quickly shuts it again

Everybody be good, and I'll see you next year!