
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why I Want to Go: Feast of Leviathan XVIII

This event is now older than several players, and older than most of your realms careers.  This event could VOTE if it were a citizen of the USA.

Also known as the Feast of Blood, this is where people would go to shake off the cabin fever.  A while back, this was one of the only winter events players would see.  And there was always an axe to grind about something.  Sometimes, people would just look for an excuse to make trouble.  Not that I ever did such things.

These days, there is usually too much going on to cause too much trouble.  The adventurer's guild will be looking for help with some quests.  The Gilded Lion Carnival is a fun diversion.
Many merchants will be around, so bring your gold and green for some new garb!
Speaking of garb, I hear the Order of the Peacock will be looking for Best Dressed of the day.
Not enough to keep you entertained?  There are also tournaments of the combat and non combat variety.  Sir Tao will bring his amazing casino!  Gau Dring will be looking for help with their Big Game infestation.

But the main attraction is Gwen's cooking.  She will be testing the limits of our waist bands with her course after course of amazing dishes.  It doesn't matter what comes out of that kitchen, you won't want to miss a crumb.

On a separate note:   WEDNESDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE!!!!!  Please log into Realmsnet and vote for your favorites for the View from Valehaven awards.  Winners will be announced at the feast.