
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What You Missed: Feast of Creathorne by Jean Baptise (Ethan Goldman)

Boy, I feel sorry for you, missing all this.

Have you ever eaten a moose?  I have.  How about a bear?  I have.  And maybe if you go next year, you will. 

Besides the tried and true history of delicious game meat being served at Sir Shean’s event (And no, I did not convince him that people, goblinoids or dragons count as game meat), new things were attempted as well.  For the first time in probably ever, the Adventurer’s Guild set up shop in the Creathorne lands.  Monster arenas were crashed, ninjas were killed, and land rights were solved, all in roughly under a hour each. 

Besides the issues of steel, there were those of song, as the Bardic contest once again continued this year. I performed a fantastic original song to the rave reviews of completely not placing.  

More surprising however was the defeat of last year’s winner, Garharz, whose rendition of the Captain’s Wife Lament lost to the dark horse Tempest. Who cleaned house with a stellar cover of Celtic Woman’s “The Voice”.

Most suprising of all was court, or rather, how short court was. There was only one major announcement, where Neden announced a new loaner garb and gear service to the realms.

They also gave someone a N, but who really cares about this… Jim Boptop? Whoever he was, he’s not important.