
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Why I Want To Go: Blue Rose Charity Casino Night

Most of these articles are just a quick "Hey guys!! Theres a Tournament this weekend!!"  or "Hooray! Questing!"  and sometimes "MMMMM FOOD"

This weekend we see a break from the traditional.  For a $20 donation you get access to Casino games, an auction, cash bar, delicious foods, Magic the Gathering, and a raffle.  All while in the company of your friends.  What better way to spend a better Saturday night?
You all know, by now, that this event is to raise funds to help the family of one of our brothers-at-arms, Sir Kwartz of Folkestone.  While Kevin has not been active with the Realms for sometime, he has been active raising a family in Colorado.  If you never met him, then I encourage you to come to the event, not just to have fun, or to feel good for contributing to a cause, but to meet Kevin, and see for yourself why so many people are banding together to support him and his wonderful family.