
Friday, June 3, 2016

Flashback Friday: North/ South War 2008

Today's flashback takes us eight years into Realms history to June of 2008. Held at the traditional Lone Tree site, this North/ South War was the year of "Sir Callin's Lemon Twist," as the event is subtitled. From the event description on Realmsnet:

"In an effort to keep the North/South War format engaging we are 
changing some things.

This year the teams will be divided into 4 roughly same-sized teams 
(North, East, South, West).  The format will still allow for battles 
with only two sides as each team will be grouped with another team.  
(Example: Line Battle 1 will be North+South vs. West+East, Line 
Battle 2 will be North+West vs. South+East and Line Battle 3 will be 
North+East vs. South+West.) Points will be awarded for a team on the 
winning side, so if North+South wins Line Battle 1 then North and 
South each earn points for their team." 

Have fun browsing the photos below and please note that all of these photos were taken by Robyn "Sasha" Nielsen of Folkestone