
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Why I Want to Go, Feast of Blackwood

Why I Want to Go, Feast of Blackwood

by   Diana"Kiira" LaPierre

This event is titled "Feast of Blackwood" but the title is a bit misleading. Calling this event a feast is a great understatement. Feast of Blackwood not only has delicious food, something I'd compare to Mom's cooking-- if you're mom is good at it-- but it covers every aspect of the game! There's food, tournaments, and questing. It's the whole shebang, folks! Something for everyone.

Not only does this event do it all, but they do it well. I'm not talking cheesy costumes and subpar cheeses; they go all out to provide good content at a more than reasonable price. We are talking $40 for an entire weekend, and they feed you all day on Sunday! Wow!

They have on staff some of the best people for prop and monster making this game has seen. They have cooks who make family style meals that both satisfy and entice anyone's palate. Their plot lines are engaging and well staged to draw in players for a weekend or more of fun and frivolity.

Let's not forget, Order of the List Tournaments on Sunday. While you fill your bellies, fill your resumé with more points, if you have the skill. This may be your last chance this year for points!

If all that wasn't enough(which in this writers opinion is ridiculous) they are taking proposals that have been at the event holders council in recent years that have failed, and they are allowing PCs to play test them! You want Totems?! YOU GET TOTEMS!!! And you have been given plenty of notice to write out a spell book for the weekend. So try it all, or don't. You know, whatever floats your proverbial boats.

I want to go this weekend because I love what the staff presents and think there will be great things in store. Also, food. See you there!

Actual Photo, possibly photo shopped.