
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Why You Should Go,

I'd like to take a moment, to tell you about an event that I'd like to go to.  For a charity, that deep down inside I wish did not need to exist in this world.

We play at being heroes, we work with our friends, and we pretend to save the world.  We live in a world, where there are few selfless heroes, and the world never gets saved by dinner time on Sunday. Those troubles we faced on Sunday, are still there on Monday.

But not this weekend, this Saturday night, we get to be real heroes and we get to make a difference in our world.  We get to work together, as friends, as a community, to raise money for a charity, that helps those in need.  This is a moment, a moment when we can truly be the heroes of legend.

In the name of our friend, Bud, we can gather together to fight the good fight.  One more time, in his name.

Card games, hot food, an auction and all for a good cause.

What more need be said?

This community has a long tradition of coming together in times of need. I hope you can be there Saturday.


Please contact David Hayden if you have auction items to add.
Please contact Lani Grayson if you have food items to bring.