
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Why you Should Go: Echoes of Ragnarok II - Muspelheim

by Jason "Aeston" Rosa

Years ago the terror of Bedlam was unleashed upon the Realms, consuming whatever it touched. Great heroes, mortal and fae, banded together to limit our losses and eventually end the threat completely. But releasing Bedlam affected places other than the Realms. All through the multiverse bois spilled out ahead of the black ichor with no intent other than to destroy, and many places fared much much worse than the Realms. One such place was Norlund.

The Echoes of Ragnarok is a story about the aftermath of Bedlam in a dimension other than our own. Norlund was in the midst of Ragnarok, the holy death and rebirth of their world, and the heroes of the Realms have been tasked with restarting that great final battle so that the irreparably broken lands of Norlund can be set right again.

Echoes of Ragnarok II is a dungeon crawl in the tradition of Rhiassan crawls dating back to the beginning of the What Lurks Beneath storyline. Slogging through enemies in tight corridors, managing resources and contenting with new and unique enemies, and working together in a large coordinated group to solve puzzles and beat challenges. We take great pride in the amount of detail we put into our props and costuming, and we try hard to make sure many different play styles are engaged in many different ways throughout the day. We are thrilled to have the same clientele come back every single year, assured that they will have an entertaining and challenging day.

Unfortunately the event has already hit its cap for this year but if you’re interested in seeing what Rhiassa has put together and being a part of the day, we can promise that you’ll have a good time NPCing and you’d be more than welcome to be a part of our crew! Please contact me at

If you’re interested in reading up on the past history of the Echoes of Ragnarok storyline, everything that has happened so far is written up in our Quest Log, which you can view here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I Can't Even, keep a lid on it

I Can't Even...
by Sara "Zarine" Jessop


            This week, we are going to talk about head wear. I hear tell that there is a contest coming up to choose the most fabulous hat, which is being sponsored by The Order of the Peacock. Now, I don't know much about the contest, other than the fact that I will obviously be winning it, since I am neither a Pea nor a Cock. But I do know a lot about head wear, so listen up you empty headed plebs.
             In a few short weeks the Realms at large will be subjected to all manner of millinery, and you'll need to know your terminology to properly compliment or disparage them because despite what Lord Vawn says, everything you place upon your head is not simply called a hat. At a recent charity event I was sporting a fabulous fascinator and was told, “I love your hat.” Well, it's not a hat you uncouth fustylug, but thanks for your uneducated opinion. You see, dear reader, it's quite insulting to call ones haberdashery by the wrong wordage.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Choose Our Own Adventure Part 2

Choose Our Own Adventure

Can’t See the Forest for the Trees

By Jason (Aeston) Rosa

When you really think about it we're all basically surrounded by instruments of our tragic demise on an hourly basis. There is really no reason to believe that being outside the woods is even one iota safer than being inside of it, especially considering the lackluster company that comprise this adventuring team. So my suggestion was to push on through and see for myself exactly how fortune could screw us over. Small surprise, we would find out before long. 

Less than twenty minutes after entering the woods, the path ahead took a steep decline and beyond it we could hear the familiar din of screaming and fighting that just makes one hate the fact that they didn't decide to be a cobbler or a cooper or something. Three decades of experience rushed me to the edge of the hill before I could really think better of it, my transient compatriots only a step behind, and the scene was as regretfully eventful as I expected it to be. Let me paint you a word picture. 

First there was the carriage. Carriages come in many shapes and sizes, of course, and if I had to describe the shape and size of this one, I would have to say “opulent”. It obviously cost a lot of money and was obviously worth a lot less money now that it was pretty much obliterated, over on its side. Near the wreck six men in armor were fighting a troll who was clearly getting the better of them since only two of them were actually still alive. Cowering on the ground and trying to conceal himself as best as possible behind the shattered mode of transport was a foppish young man who had already attracted the attention of a pair of goblins who were inching closer. Finally, clearly the wisest of the lot, a young woman was making haste to flee the ongoing disaster as quickly as she could, unfortunately choosing deeper into the obviously monster-ridden woods as her direction of egress.

There were, of course, many ways to intercede into this mess and no doubt my fellows were each deciding which of many possible mistakes they should commit in doing so. For my own part, I decided...

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful from the View Staff

by Diana "Kiira" LaPierre

It's easy to forget at certain times how lucky we really are. With smart phones, Facebook, the internet, all of these conveniences right at the tips of our fingers, we can get overloaded with information, some of it not overly pleasant. The negativity can affect all aspects of our lives. Sometimes, we can get a little negative about our LARP. So, here's reasons to feel thankful about Realms:

I am thankful for:

  • the excited look on Newbies faces when they are battling goblins. 
  • the fact that our swords are light enough for everyone to wield effectively. 
  • Oxford Commas. 
  • the way Realms Memes is keeping it real. 
  • armor being considered all one piece for Repair Item. 
  • when Æston talks with his arms like an overly-excited anime character. 
  • being able to spend time with my kids at events, watching them have fun and wreak havoc with other kids. 
  • the OEC. 
  • spreadsheets. 
  • Oxford Commas. 
  • Toilets at events. 
  • all my nation members and the fact that they have become my family. 
  • Feast'o'crats and the amazing food they provide. 
  • people who NPC. 
  • playing with everyone's babies and then handing them back when they get fussy. 
  • no more Protection magic. 
  • Oxford Commas. 
  • the improvement in NPC masks. 
  • people who teach others important skills. 
  • multiple weekly practices. 
  • skilled magic and combat marshals. 
  • the people who provide services to the game. 
  • fun puzzles. 
  • arch supports
  • the proper ratio of kool-aid powder to water. 
  • overly excited newbies. 
  • shiny things. 
  • and, finally, Oxford Commas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What You Missed: Order of the List Invitational 2016

by Alex "Elouan" Groom

Over the course of this year, many individuals fought in tournaments sanctioned by the Order of the List. On this day, the top 16 individuals were invited to compete to be inducted into this organization; a difficult competition indeed, given that only one new member is inducted every year.  Driven by the spirit of competition, and the ambition to be the best, these individuals competed against each other to prove their mettle as fighters.  More than a mere test of skill, the Order of the List Invitational pushed those who competed in it to the limits of their physical endurance, as they fought over the course of the entire day, culminating in the top two fighters slugging it out in a grueling grand slam match.  Even those who were eliminated early would not find reprieve, having the chance to claw their way back into the competition in the wild card round.

In addition to the 16 fighters invited to compete, a large crowd of spectators and fans attended this year.  Bets were accepted by the Gilded Lion.  New this year was the betting format.  All gamblers bet a small amount to a large pool, and made a number of predictions on a single sheet.  Such predictions included seeding for the next round, the winners of individual tournaments, and other such aspects.  At the end of each round, the first, second, and third place winners each received a portion of the pot.

    Finally, while the fighting and gambling raged on, a young squire toiled under the exercises of her knight…

The First Round
The tournament started with the announcing of the 16 competitors.  These competitors were:

  • Guilliam
  • Vuel
  • Dygen
  • Drile
  • Rillan
  • Tao
  • Nazir
  • Torolf
  • Saegan
  • Tower
  • Daekara
  • Illy
  • Janus
  • Damion
  • Bludwin
  • Jean-Baptiste

The first round of the tournament saw all 16 fighters competing in order to get to the next round.  Only 8 spots were open, so half of those competing would be eliminated.  The fights of this tournament consisted of limited combat involving matched styles.  Each fight was done bracket style, with each competitor fighting in a best two out of three match in each round. The weapon styles fought with in this round winners of those fights were:

  • Dagger: Vuel
  • Single Short: Vuel
  • Hand and a half: Vuel
  • Sword and shield: Rillan
  • Sword and Marne: Vuel
  • True Florentine: Guilliam
  • Sword and Dagger: Drike
  • Great Weapon: Guilliam

The seed listing at the end of the round was as follows:


Jean Baptiste

A Squire and a Tire
As this was going on, I could not help but noticing an interesting scene developing in a quiet corner of the arena.  Sir Eldritch had hung a tire from the ceiling.  With him was his squire, Shader of Ashenmarke.  Out of curiosity, I approached the scene and watched as Eldritch instructed his squire.

“Your form needs work.  You swing with just your arms, but need to fight using your whole body,” Eldritch informed his squire.  Using the cane he had brought with him, Eldritch demonstrated the proper form, swinging swiftly at the tire and connecting with a loud “THUD!”

He instructed his squire to do the same.  Her first swing tapped the tire, lightly knocking it aside.

“No, swing harder! As hard as you can!”  Eldritch said to his squire.

Shader complied with the instructions.  Ten swings later, and with a loud crack, Eldritch’s cane snapped.  Both squire and knight looked in bewilderment at the shattered remains of the cane.  The training was cut short, for now, as a suitable replacement was sought out.

Round Two
    With the end of round one, the top eight competed to secure the top three spots, and move on to the semifinals.  The tournaments of this round were less simplistic, and featured a number of additional rules in order to make things both more difficult and more interesting.  These tournaments (and their winners) were:

  • Single Competitor: Dygen
  • Grimlock Grudge Match: Guilliam
  • Three Lives: Vuel
  • Ones+Twos: Dygen
  • Five Points to Victory: Guilliam

The seeding at the end of this round was:



With that, the top three had secured their place in the semifinals.  The rest of the competitors would compete against each other for the fourth a final slot in a wildcard round.

Scraping By
    Elsewhere in the arena, a suitable replacement for Eldritch’s cane was sought out by Squire Shader.  After a lengthy search, I offered up a tool used to scrape ice from the sides of carriages that I owned.  This tool had a metal core, and we assumed that it would last longer.

    As Eldritch looked upon the ice scraper, he merely shook his head.  “This will break just as quickly,” he said.  As we walked away, I could swear that I heard him say under his breath something about “carriages” and “wax on, wax off,” though this may have just been my imagination.  

    Shader continued with her hitting of the tire.  Much to Eldritch’s surprise, the ice scraper bent, but did not break.  This went on for about ten minutes.  Sadly, an attempt to bend the ice scraper back into shape ended up snapping it into two, thus bringing Shader’s training to a halt once more.

The Wild Card Round
While the top three had been decided, a fourth slot was still open.  In order to obtain this spot, competitors would fight each other in a non-stop brawl for several minutes straight, fighting one competitor and moving on to the next without pause.  Several helpers kept track of their kills, and at the end of the time limit, whoever had the most kills would be declared the winner.  Ultimately, the scores were as follows:

  1. Illy: 39
  2. Rillan: 38
  3. Damion: 34
  4. Drike: 32
  5. Saegan: 29
  6. Daekara: 24
  7. Torolof: 23
  8. Nazir: 22
  9. Tao: 18
  10. Bludwin: 14
  11. Tower: 10
  12. Janus: 10
  13. Jean-Baptiste: 6

By a single point, Illy had secured the wildcard slot as hers, and would go on to fight in the semifinals.

Handling the Situation
    As Shader looked upon the remains of the ice scraper, we heard the sound of a bottle being flipped and landing perfectly in the distance.  Following this was one Sir Syruss O’Leary shouting in victory.  After this, he turned his attention to the crestfallen squire.

    “Why aren’t you hitting the tire anymore?” shouted Sir Syruss.

        “I keep breaking everything!” responded Shader.  Somewhere in the distance, Lord Temorse agreed silently.
    “Have no fear, Sir Syruss is on the case!” responded Sir Syruss.
    Within minutes, Sir Syurss had procured what appeared to be a quite long broom handle, and Shader’s training resumed.

The Third Round
The third round consisted entirely of armored fighting.  The first competition was the 1st seed’s choice.  This was followed by a series of other tournaments.  The winners of these tournaments were as follows:

  • 1st Seed’s Choice: Vuel
  • Wild Card’s Revenge: Vuel
  • Duncan’s Challenge: Guilliam
  • 1 Man Unlimited: Guilliam
  • 3 Lives Unlimited: Vuel

The scores at the end of this round were:



With that, Guilliam and Vuel had secured their spots in the finals.

The Final Round
    The entire day had been leading up to these fights.  The final round consisted of but a single fight: the grand slam.  The grand slam was fought in three rounds: a limited round, unlimited round, and another limited round.  Each round consisted of consecutive fights of matched weapon styles, with styles changing from fight to fight.  Once a competitor had won 7 fights and at least two more than the other competitor, that competitor was awarded that round.

    Guilliam and Vuel slugged it out for a total of 30 grueling fights.  The results of the rounds were as follows:

Number of Wins 
(Round 1)
Number of Wins 
(Round 2)
          Number of Wins   
(Round 3)

Winning in the final round, Guilliam secured his induction into the Order of the List.

Newbie Tournament
    While the main event was going on, a newbie tournament was thrown as well. In order to compete in this tournament, a competitor had to be in the game for three years or less.  This tournament was not just a competition, but also set up to be a learning experience, with the marshalls offering advice to the competitors after their fights.   Interesting this year was that a quarter of the competitors were eligible to fight in the newbie tournament as well.

In the end, Tower took the win.  Daekara took second place.  In third place was Sybil.

Final Thoughts
Ultimately, all of the individuals who competed today are to be lauded.  These individuals spent months (if not years) training for this event.  All put in the time and effort to make tournaments throughout the year, in order to fight on this day.  Throughout the day, though facing stiff competition, not a single competitor put in less than the maximum effort that they could.  In many ways, these fighters represent the pinnacle of skill, endurance, and personal honor within our game.

On a final note, a special shout out to Sir Syrus O’Leary: Shader was unable to break the broom handle.