
Thursday, March 2, 2017

What You Missed Photos: The Subtle Thread Presents: Calibrated Questing

Photos by Andrew "Ivan" Sonstrom. Captions by Ryan "Orion" Welch

Arynn and Roland get ready to do science

Facing off against some goblins

I guess the middle of the room is an ok place to build a wall

Picking up more bricks to build a bigger wall

Kobolds stream out of the Kobold Generator

Mel and Cresida contemplate a boulder

Science: color-coded for your convenience

Cresida works out a puzzle

Lined up to take on more monsters

Agent 36 advises Rolond on crossbow technique

The Sphinx is ready to riddle

Magnus fiddles with a switch... what could possibly go wrong

Kobolds get back to work after striking for less science

Agent 24 wants to see some results! (photo by Kim Lougee)

Magnus pretends to be a safety witch

Arynn seems to be on the wrong side of this fight...

The ogre brothers are ready to bash your tiny mortal skulls