
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Why I Want to Go… Tournaments of Creathorne 24

By Becky "Naralia" Garbos (not a writer)

Do you like tournaments? Maybe you prefer a great night quest? Or is a feast more your speed? Well,
Tournaments of Creathorne has all three, plus so much more. At ToC we have something for everybody.

For our Tournament loving guests, we have all kinds of tournaments to participate in. We have combat tournaments in both limited and unlimited styles for you to test your physical strength. You can look forward to tournaments such as Dinky Weapon of Doom, Florentine, Corsican Mug, etc. Do you prefer to have your friends fight with you? Join the 5 Person or Spirit & Steel. We have several live steel tournaments for those of you who like to play with sharper things in life. Are you more of a lover than a fighter? We have tournaments for you too. These tournaments require a lot of thinking. You can look forward to Chess, Monopoly, Risk, and Jenga. We also have lots of card tournaments as well. Munchkin and Magic the Gathering are favorites among the card players.We have tournaments to keep the gamblers and sneaky folks busy as well.

Our Plot Master has an amazing night quest planned. I can’t go into details about it. But just know… it’sgonna be AMAZBALLS!!!

We have a feast on Saturday. No need to worry about cooking your own. We do it for you. We have burgers, dogs, chicken, salad, and pasta. Also on Sunday, we will be having a breakfast for a suggested donation of $5 made by the Gamblers Guild. Every year we give the donations to a worthy cause. In the past we’ve done the Step Out:Walk to Stop Diabetes and Bud’s cause.

This is an event that seems to bring out everybody. Newbies and Oldbies alike. People from all over the Realms seems to make sure they have the time off for this event. It is filled with history and tradition. It’s the first event for a lot of people.

So, why do I want to go to ToC? Well, besides being the EH and Having to go, I would want to go because it has so much to do. And a lot of my friends are there. It’s relaxing and loads of fun for everyone. ToC is the reason I started playing this game.

Some pictures from last year:
Live knife throwing

Individual tournaments

Checkers tourney

Monopoly Tournament