
Friday, July 21, 2017

Flashback Friday: The Event Which Must Not Be Named I

As the Harry Potter event series draws to a close this year with the sixth and final event, we take the time to take a trip down memory lane to the event that kicked off the series in 2012. Editor's note: all photos by Casey Lemay.

Hogwarts awaits, banners, aloft, the sorting hat ready to do it's duty.

Delicious treats are just part of the wizarding experience.

Each new student got sorted according to their personality.

A runic puzzle, using what the students learned in Runes class.

Many dangerous plant monsters lurked in the forest near Hogwarts castle.

This dangerous scarecrow was one of many magical creatures the students had to contend with.

Trolls are dangerous enough by themselves, let alone when they are in groups!

Collecting Mandrake Root while fighting off enemies.

Hargid teaches the students in Care of Magical Creatures.

Happy students listening intently.

Gargoyles were one type of dangerous magical creature.

The Sphinx asked riddles of it's foes.

The heroes attempt to collect Devil's Snare in the woods.

More sneaking up on that dangerous plant

The always boisterous Hagrid and his pink umbrella.

The heroes attempt to collect Devil's Snare in the woods.
Wizard duels begin, Graham faces off against Naj

The professors look on as their students duel.

Razmith steps into the wand dueling arena.

The lesson from Runes class sits on the chalkboard.

Kaelkatar about to strike the final blow in a wizard's duel.

Grebinar hoists the House Cup after Gryffindor wins!