
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ask the Editors

Ask the Editors 
The Editors 
Episode 16

Hello and welcome back to the fun. So this weeks original question from an anonymous source was “Should the Realms become a non-profit organization in order to get better sites, insurance, "be taken more seriously" by governing bodies that allow us to practice in spaces, etc.?". Unfortunately none of us felt qualified to answer or felt strongly enough about it to answer. So we are going to move on to the next question which come to us via email:

What is your favorite drink that came from the Realms? (or if the first time you tried it, it was in Realms)

First up to tell us about her favorites concoctions, Lani 'Gwen' Grayson:

“I’m not particularly picky but I will share a few favorites. First, for a non-alcoholic pick, I enjoy a high-test red punch. I am disappointed when I think I’m getting liquid sugar and instead it tastes like water with a hint of sugar. The first mixed drink I remember having in the Realms was Packs-A-Punch, which I thought was called Paxel Punch because I was new to Realms and everything sounded strange and funny to me. It was delicious and I had a fun time at that event. In the past few years, I have always made it a point to bring some Bud Light Rita’s to damp sites, and now it’s kind of a thing. And the only drink I’ve ever had because of Realms was a Flaming Shot, and I would be perfectly content to never, ever, drink that again.”

Sounds delicious.

Next up, Jen 'Areni' DeNardis-Rosa:

“There is one Realms drink that stands out in my mind. This is something that is as quintessential to the Realms as duct tape and pipe foam, something that has and continues to make an appearance at many events through many years, the tasting of which is almost a universal experience among Realmsies. What is this illustrious drink? you ask yourself. What could she possibly be talking about? I'll keep you in suspense no longer - I am talking about that ubiquitous concoction known as Hint of Red. There is nothing quite like it in terms of taste (it's counterparts Hint of Yellow and Hint of Brown being much more full-bodied) and nothing can compare to a 16oz red Solo cup full of it after a few hours of hard questing or tourneying. While the exact measurements of the original recipe are unknown, each nation has their own version of this derivative of Red that can be found in 5-gallon drink coolers across the Realms. Truly a drink that is as familiar to each of us as our favorite piece of garb, and to me, something that elicits many fond eventing memories each time I taste it.

On a more serious note: I was introduced to mead through the Realms; I've tried a few varieties over the years but Moniack specifically is my favorite to date. It has just the right balance of flavor that I really like.”

Another vote for 'red drink'. Thanks Jen!

Next up, the great drinker Sara 'Zarine' Jessop:

“There was a time, back in the day, where the only thing I drank was Mike's Hard Lemonade. I've branched out since then, trying many different drinks. I usually bring a hard cider of some sort as my drink of choice when I plan on drinking quite a bit as it's easy to grab and go and I don't like many beers. The one drink I will say that I discovered that I enjoyed through the realms though was Mint Juleps. I was so worried that I would dislike the drink that you sip while wearing ridiculous hats and watching the greatest sport of four legs, but Neil 'Eldrich' Kusleika made them at ToC a few years back and I greatly enjoyed it.

Also, turns out Chartreuse the drink is just as disgusting as the color.”

No mention of non alcoholic drinks you should note... Thanks Sara!

So there you have it. A few of our favorite drinks to bring and discover in the Realms. Do you have a favorite drink that you think we should try? Bring it to the next non-dry event and make enough to go around. Sharing is caring. And it's perfectly safe to drink whatever that red stuff is.

Thanks for reading. Join us next time when we answer a question asked just to the ladies on our staff. “For the Ladies: "Because of the mark the Realms community has left on you, what skill or skills have you improved in that crossed over into your Real Life? For example: any first aid, or public-speaking?".

Questions can be sent to Sara “Zarine” Jessop via email (, facebook messenger, or in person. The question box will also be making the rounds at various events. Please note if you'd like your question to remain anonymous and/or if you would like to address specific editors