
Friday, August 11, 2017

Bardic Circle: Piper's Bardic from QoH XXIV

by Dano "Piper" Knobel

The Wanderer

Upon an icy sea
I sailed far from home
My kinsmen slain,
Serf and thane
I am a wanderer alone

I buried long ago
In earth my lord and king
Now all are gone
The ones I knew
And now alone my song I sing

Carried by winter’s icy breeze
Wanderer wandering wintry seas

In dreams my homeland shines
The wine and honey flow
Then I awake
To find myself
In frost and hail and wind and snow

That little realm so bright
Now withers and decays
And I must wait
In silence great
For warmer kinder happier days

Carried by winter’s icy breeze
Wanderer wandering wintry seas

Like dust into the air
All that lives must die
But in the hearts
Of mighty gods
Therein all hope and faith must lie

Carried by winter’s icy breeze
Wanderer wandering wintry seas