
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Why You Should Go!

Why You Should Go, Demonic Invasion
by William "RuBarb" Moore

Demonic Invasion is a series of day tournaments with plot night quests.  It has a lot to offer for all types of players to be a part of.  Fight with your team chosen Friday night to prove that you have what it take to be Legion worthy.  At night suit up for the fight of your life as you take on unique battle tactic encounters against the Legion’s strong hold in the Forest of Kelvar.  There is NO guarantee of success here folks; the Legion will be out for blood.  Bring your best of the best because this Legion has an objective of their own to accomplish.

Discover the hidden truth of RuBarb’s 5-year disappearance, the ‘Blades of Discord’, ‘The Artifact’, the Forest of Kelvar, and so much more!  Demonic Invasion 3 picks up where the story left off nearly 5 years ago.  The Demonic Legion made their first attack on the Forest of Kelvar 7 years ago and has grown quiet.  Those that remember have epic stories to tell—ask around!  Little to the Realms knowledge, the Forest of Kelvar has been since taken by the Legion.  Now it’s time to take it back inch by inch if we must.  Each victory or failure will have reprocesses ripping through the Demonic Invasion plot and who will have final control of the Forest of Kelvar.

Prop heavy event!!!  If you haven’t seen some of the amazing work we’ve been building you’ve been missing out.  You should get to friending RuBarb Kaladune on Facebook to see all that has gone into this event.  Oh, but don’t you worry we have saved the best for last, what you see there is nothing compared to what you’ll see on the field.  Step up and you can get to take one of these props home with you as a badge of honor, or as a curse (I always get those things mixed up).

Demonic Invasion mixes in the role-playing game we all love, Dungeons and Dragons, giving a fresh burst of life to the magic system and battle tactics.  PC’s are highly encouraged to roleplay and think more immersively.  The more you, as a PC, get involved the more you’ll get out.  There is not a thing in this event series that the single newbie cannot do.  It all requires a little out of the box thinking and teamwork.   EVERYTHING you do affects this plot, and everyone has a chance to be the hero.

Challenge yourself to push beyond the limits of what you know you can do, and do the impossible.