
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The End of my Era

Passing the Torch
by Alex

Don't worry, the torch isn't against your spell restrictions.

I suppose, that referring to my leaving the View from Valehaven Editorial Staff as "the end of my era" is a bit egotistical.

But... there was no Editorial Staff when I came on board.  It was Dave and Angie, and I was reminding them at 8am every few days that "Hey, you don't have content up online... what you got?"

I hadn't planned on becoming an editor.  It wasn't something I was seeking, I was simply trying to be helpful to my friends, and keep THE VIEW up and running.  Because, it's The View.  Which honestly... doesn't really carry the same impact for most of you that it does for me.

Set the Wayback Machine for 1992... I was a college freshmen, with MY OWN mailing address for the first time ever (my parents address didn't count, because, ya know), and I spent a few bucks and signed up for The View.  No longer would I be at the whim of my fellow Realms friends as to knowing when THE NEXT event was, now I would be "in the know".  Just like they were, I'd be one of the cool kids (hahaha!!), and I'd be able to forge my own event going destiny.

You see... it was a once a month in print thing back then.  There wasn't an internet, for the View to have a home on.  Heck, Mortal Combat was the most advanced video game we had at the time.  Hard to imagine life without the WWW isn't it?  Heck, I was there, and it doesn't make any sense to me.  Once a month?  Paper?  Right... madness.

Yeah so... anyways.

Flash forward to 2012, and I'm on Staff for the View.  Wow, that's huge, I'm a part of the thing that gets people to events.  18 year old me is going nuts with excitement.  I'm in the Room Where Things happen!

Enjoy the ear worm, What can I say except, You're Welcome!

I got to add friends to staff, new folks, folks who wanted to help make things happen.  All good people, and I'm glad that they stepped up to help spread the news to the Realms as a whole.  WIWTG, WYM, all that jazz.  We had before, and after the event.  During the event, that was all up to you.

It's been a great time, a whirlwind of fun.  All good things must come to an end, and it's time for me to bow out.  It's time for me, to pass the torch to the next bright eyed passionate lunatic. I'm just glad, that I got to be a part, of a thing, that helped direct the future of the game.  Thank you for that opportunity.  This meant a lot to me, and the decision for me to move on... was the right one for me.

In a community, where Volunteerism is the rule of the day, I find myself closing a chapter.  My heart isn't in it anymore, my mind doesn't spiral around The View these days.  It would be a disservice, for me to continue with the title, while there are others more eager to make a difference in the game.  It's time for me to go.  In the immortal words of Jim Gordon.  "Nice watch."

Thanks for everything, to quote a fellow old fighter. "I'll see you in the field".

Alex "Lucas" Newbold


Most of all, I'll miss the puns and bad jokes in the morning plug...