
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Why I Want To Go-Interdimensional Market Fair

By Lani "Gwen" Grayson

This weekend we have the opportunity in the Realms to do some outreach, which is really cool. The Interdimensional Market Fair is an opportunity to reach out to members of the Pelham High School community who are interested in LARPing. The event itself will be Ren Fair-esque featuring vendors, demonstrations, plot, and tournaments. For those of you who don’t know, in my mundane life I am a high school social studies teacher, so this event is near and dear to my heart. Many teenagers are interested in finding a community that will be supportive of them, and this event is an opportunity for members of the Realms to reach out to them and show them the ropes. Think back to the first event you attended--if you were still a teenager, then you probably remember the uncertainty that your parents faced when letting you adventure off on your own to a widespread LARPing community. Part of what this event is all about is showcasing what makes LARPing great, and making sure that parents and students alike have an solid understanding of who we are and what we do. This event will feature multiple LARPs so I think it is extra important that we make a showing because this is a great chance for us to build our community in a new venue. Ultimately, for only a five dollar donation (which will go toward the LARP club) we have the chance to get together and visit with one another, show off what makes us unique as a community, and reach out to high school students who are interested in Live Action Role Play. I think this event is a win-win situation and that if you have the chance you should make it a point to go out and support both the event holder and the cause that they are championing.