
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Why I Want to Go-Ashen Bounty VI

By Lani "Gwen" Grayson

Ashen Bounty is an event that I look forward to attending every year because it strikes such a wonderful balance between great questing and great food. As someone who has had the pleasure to quest at this event series in the past, I can genuinely say that this EH team puts in a great deal of effort to make sure that the plot is clear and engaging and that the encounters are well balanced and keep everyone in the questing party entertained. At Ashenbounty you can expect cool mechanics and effects, and also some unique ways of working with in-house magic items, ensuring that there is always something for everyone to be doing all weekend long. What sticks out in my mind about this series are the individual encounters: each one unique, fun, creative, and interesting. In years past we’ve battled Lightning Scorpions, ventured into haunted libraries, worked our way through charged fields, or battled the limbs of giant plant monsters. I’m sure that in our attempts to aid Prince Skyros that we will once again face off against some epic challenges.

As I’ve said many times before, I am in awe of EH teams that throw questing and feasting in the same weekend, because both of these skills take a lot of work individually but take a crazy amount of coordination to pull off successfully at the same time. I have no doubt that the food will be exquisite because I’ve had the pleasure of working with this feastocrat in the past and she can cook! After a challenging day of questing I think there can be no greater pleasure than sitting down to a delicious, warm, home-cooked meal.

If you haven’t come out to Ashen Bounty before, then you really need to make an effort this year because you will miss out if you don’t attend.