
Thursday, December 14, 2017

10 More Questions - Nataliya Kostenko

10 More Questions with Nataliya "Shader" Kostenko

Selfie by Nataliya Kostenko

1) What achievement either in or out of character are you most proud of?

I’m really proud of Snake Cult/Zimeya and how far we’ve come and what we’ve accomplished (Queen of Hearts team, two events, lots of fun and friendship, etc.). I really like the group because even though we’re all in other nations and have tons of other responsibilities, our Zimeyan friendship transcends the rivalries and drama of some of the rest of the game and our priority is always having fun. I look to that idea, feeling, and friend group whenever I’m bogged down with other stressors and responsibilities. I think it’s important to remember every once in awhile that fun is a top priority too. 

2) Are you a fighter or a caster? Have you always been? How did you choose?

Fighter! Always. I decided in my youth (and by that I mean when I was in the Oaken Guard) to try to be the best fighter, and I’m not even like a fraction of the way there, so gotta keep fighting. 

3) Have you ever owned an artifact, memento, or magic item that has meant a lot to you, and why?

Nope. Maybe one day I’ll own something cool, but for now all my character owns are a tabard, a belt, and a mug (though those are pretty cool, I guess). 

4) What group of people do you spend the most time with and why?

I spend a lot of time with Ashenmark and a lot of time with Zimeya and the most time trying to smush them together as best I can. 

5) Who is your best friend in character and why?

My best friend is Moriah (Masha) but since she’s not around anymore I’ve replaced her (kinda weakly) with some combo of Kite, Temorse, Asharn, and Eldritch. 

Photo by Jesse Gifford
6) What event or moment had the greatest impact on you as a player?

Hard to pick, lots of good ones. I still remember my first Black and White so well, but there’s also the two champion tournaments I’ve done at Queen of Hearts--those always motivate me to train more and try harder. Another huge impact one would be becoming Huntress First Lieutenant--I’m still trying really hard to live up to that.

7) What event or moment had the greatest impact on your character?

Definitely joining Ashenmark, it has impacted the majority of my decisions afterwards in a big way.

8 ) What is your most embarrassing moment, either IC or OOC?

I mean, every time I talked to or in front of a pretty lady, but really I don’t feel embarrassment anymore--if I did I’d have to be immobilized by it all the time cuz I do so much embarrassing stuff. 

Painting by Alexa Lecko

9) What is the best piece of advice you'd give to other players?

Laugh off whatever you’re mad or sad or stressed about and try your best to remember that you’re here to do a fun thing with a bunch of people you (hopefully) like. Also drink water and bring warmer clothes with you.

10 ) What is the most important thing you've learned through the game?

To improvise and go off-plan when necessary and that your friends will have your back when you most need them.

BONUS QUESTION #1: Who would you like to see the next interview be with?

Kwido or Twenaria I guess if they haven’t done one already.

BONUS QUESTION #2: Anything else you'd like to take the opportunity to put into print

I've never had so many friends!