
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Favorite Yule Memories

"Probably convincing a very hung over Matt B/Cecil that he was urgently needed outside only to have him bombarded by snowballs from every angle.  He was very confused and it took a solid 10 seconds of him yelling at us that he was needed outside before he realized it was a prank."
- Tucker "Temorse" Noyes

"Altana’s was that first Yule after Cecil made her his cousin and she was adopted into the Cecil family.  It felt amazing walking into a Tavern that had her name sake."

Sayeh is being adopted into the Blackheart clan. Tuilli flatted her and woke her up a moment later with a Blackheart favor on her head."
- Alyssa "Altana / Sayeh" Weissblat

"My favorite UCCT memory: UCCT 2012, surprising Cecil with the giant chess piece dedicated to him."
- Becky "Kovaks" Baron

"Honestly,  I dont have a bad memory of Cecil's. Every time I go, I have a fantastic time! I got my full member tabard at Cecil's. Last year I got a star in the gift swap! And every year the food is fantastic!"
- Edward "Redd" Lynch

"One of my favorite memories of Uncle Cecils was the year we were play testing a purposed spell system.  This also happened to be my first event back after a long time away from the game.  I came back to the game to find that the nation I had been a part of had dissolved while I had been away. 

At registration I received a regional that allowed me zombie walk people to me and raise them, all I needed was a banner of the group that both I and the people I would raise were a part of.  Obviously this presented a problem, but some of my old friends were there with a solution.  I was immediately drafted into the Rhiassan malitia and presented  with abanner by Aeston.  This allowed me to raise the only other Rhiassan there, my old friend Morgana.  I know Jason likely just had extra stuff
in his car but it felt like they were waiting eagerly for my return.  I had a blast tromping around in the snow rediscovering an old hobby.  Later that night I had a moment where I realized I sat by myself but was not alone for I was surrounded by my people."
- John "Saxton" Gouthro 

"I mean I usually just drink and chat with friends. And I many small (maybe fuzzy) memories of that. But my first Cecil’s was only two years ago, when we had to learn a magic song to keep enemies at bay. I was still kind of fresh to the realms and shy, but I decided to go for it and sing in front of people. And I sang for hours, many times with Freesia, to keep the enemies back for the questing party. I was always the one who kept singing. At the end of the quest I was presented with the magic songbook. I still have it, and it’s very special to me because I felt like I was noticed, even as someone newish."
- Hannah "Nhadala" Blood

"Dealing craps when I still ran the casino there, with a baby on my arm. One of the girls was the war nanny, and was also trying to learn how to play. So to help her I held the baby for a bit. If the prince ever takes up craps we will know why."
- James "Tao" Murphy

"My one story is that time (two years ago) I dealt Sir Therian a full house, followed by a straight flush in Let it ride. And Sir Will had to joke about firing me.

...also, apparently, The Fae can get mono just like us mortals =p
I went one year when I wasn't feeling 100%; I had a persistent cough, but not really any other symptoms. so I wore a mask and a scarf over my face. Tria decided she wanted to give me a holiday kiss; and joked that a few little germs weren't a big deal.
A couple weeks later I found out it was Mono.... a couple more weeks after that, so did she."
- Jessica "Hope" Osio

"My favorite memory is from last year at Cecil's when there was a snake in the raffle and I really wanted it. Apparently a lot of my friends decided to put my name in for it without telling me. I didn't even realize I had won it until someone handed it to me. It is a good snake and makes me realize how great the friends I have in the realms are."
- Cory "Asharn" Roy

"So last year at Cecil’s (this is actually a story involving you) (( Keith/Saegan- Editor's note.)) when I was down just the support I got, a nice night of poker, doing shots with Jayce, then you pulling me aside passing a bottle of rum back and forth talking about life and reassuring me everything would be alright. Best night by far."
- Greg "Daekara" Falconer

"I think it’s not one specific thing.  My favorite memories are all associated with the gift swap.  Whether it’s seeing the reaction of the people I got gifts for (especially the reactions to their spoof gifts) or seeing the amazing things people have made/gotten for me.  Those are my favorite memories."
- Jesse "Mestoph" Gifford

"It's hard to pick one favorite Cecil's memory; they all kind of blur together at this point. If pressed, I'd have to choose the collective acts of photobombing I've accomplished over the years, with help from many friends and accomplices (shoutout to Kyle/Killian for topping that list, even as a cardboard cutout). Nothing spreads that warm feeling of Yuletide joy quite like sneaking, jumping, leaning, and/or crawling into as many photos as I possibly can. The days following Uncle Cecil's also provide an opportunity for the thrilling "Where's Kyntela?" game as I comb through the event photos. I missed Cecil's last year, and am looking forward to making some new memories (and ruining many photos) this weekend. Watch out Cal/Syruss, I'm coming for you!"
- Alysha "Kyntela" Metcalf