
Friday, December 8, 2017

Question of the Week and Responses

Question of the Week, Week 3

Thank you everyone for your responses to last week's Question of the Week. The responses that we got are shared below. Following that is this week's question.

The question answered below is: What are you most looking forward to at Uncle Cecil's?

Friends Laughter and Merriment

Duke Syruss O'Leary
Singing, libations, great food, THE GIFT SWAP,  but mostly spreading Holliday cheer with My Neden Boys 

Jericho Axelthorne
Having never been to it, I'm just excited to go.

Nhadala Kinder of Grimloch
Relaxing with the realms - some of my best conversations happen at Cecil’s. 

Sir Vawn
Stealing some of the bacon ornaments off the tree when Twen's not looking.

Spending time with friends old and new

Giving presents to my friends. It's so hard to keep a secret until then!

Tao Ya Kang
Being able to interact with many people from many different nations in a festive way


Spending time with people who are important to me and drinking responsibly! Ya know, the usual. 

Raynor Skyline
Seeing my pal Chiddic's first experience at the tavern and getting a second chance at 'knight' fight

Celebrating the season with friends and family. 

And now this week's question. We're excited to see what some of you have to say about it!