
Friday, January 19, 2018

Fresh Faces with Madison "Lupa" Neal

1. How did you learn about Realms? 

I had originally learned about the realms from Emily Murphy (Kara) as I had gone to school with her at the time. She had been talking about the event she was going to and I was extremely interested.

2. How many events have you been to? 

I've been to 11 events thus far.

3. Have you ever LARP’ed before? If so tell us about it?

I've technically larp'ed before as Emily and I had been in a larp club at our school. Though it was not a full larp, it had followed the rules of Shards.

4. What is your character like? Where are they from? What is their race? What is important to them?

My character is more on the side of jokes and takes things less seriously unless she really needs to. Lupa is a high elf from a land that is not a part of the realms. Lupa finds her friends and necklace to be the most important things to her.

5. What do you remember most about your first event? 

My first event was the feast of Leviathan last year, and i remember two things the most. The very important life lesson of, it's really hard to run in a cloth corset. I also remember walking up to the guys of Invictus (shandar most definitely included) and asking them how I can join at my first event.

6. What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game? 

In all honesty, it's just the people. Almost everyone is nice, welcoming, and understanding (especially with newbies.) Some lend armour and weapons to new people, some give tips and tricks to others, and even get people started with gold so they can get garb.

7. What parts of the game do you find most challenging?

I find fighting with short arms to be the most challenging. When fighting against people who are taller than me, I find that they have longer arms and I really have to try and be smart with how close I get.

8. Do you have any game related goals (as either a player or character)?

In fact, I do have some player and character goals. As a player, I really want to have a family, I want close friends I can hangout with and enjoy my time with. As a character, I want to prove myself to everyone, that I can be a good fighter; that I can hold my own.

9. What advice would you give other new players?

I'd give other new players the same that I got, enjoy your time, find people you like hanging out with, and if people give you advice you should probably listen to them.

10. What have you enjoyed most about the game so far?

I've enjoyed spending my time in the game. I think I've enjoyed my time the most with shenanigans and fighting (you can technically count those as the same thing).