
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Stacked Deck Rules 1018

by James "Sir Tao" Murphy 

Good day ladies, gentlemen and any others that have poker at heart! Stacked Deck is proud to announce, new for 1018: consistent rules, bonus for more play (if you make the final table) and generally more, more more!

Ok, enough of that.

Some changes this year:

- Posting the results as soon as possible on the Facebook site
- For each tournament you play in this year, if you make the final table you will get an additional 100 chips.
- For each point you earn this year, if you make the final table, you will get an additional 100 chips
         - For the remainder of the year we ask that all tournaments use the blind structure down below (we will provide a written copy)
- Each tournament will hold back one buy-in, and one rebuy (if four or more rebuys were purchased) for the end of the year pot. Please turn it over to Sir Tao or a member of the Gamblers Guild.
 - This year there will be more payout then just first place. Prize pool might (might) also include something Blue.
- Chip stacks will be more uniform to buy in, please see suggested buy ins/stack size down below
- If rebuys are allowed (tournament director’s discretion), then they should be announced before the start of play and they should be equal to the initial buy in. usually they should only be available for the first hour or less. 

Suggested buy-ins to chip totals:
Less than 25 gold, 4000 chips
25-50 gold 4000-7000 chips
51-100 gold 10,000 chips
101+ gold 15,000 chips

Suggested chip denominations:
Basic 4000 chip set up:
8 25’s
8 100’s
2 500’s
2 1000’s
Any additional chips necessary should be in 1000’s (for example you would add 3 1000’s to make the 7000 stack)
Rebuys should also be in 1000’s

Blind times can vary, depending on how long you want your tournament to last.

If your blind time is 20 minutes each then this will last 3 hours and 20 minutes with no breaks.
If you wish to have a longer tournament then each blind could last longer, for example this could last almost 5 hours if each blind is 30 minutes. It is also allowed to use only a certain number of blinds. For example 6 half hour blinds to make 3 hours will stop at 500-1000 (less blind pressure)