
Friday, March 23, 2018

Fireside Chat with Syruss

White Coast City may have been a lovely town, but I only noticed the cold, and the sad elves with scars on their faces. One day, Ill learn not to travel far in winter. Syruss proved to have more sense than I did, and showed up by way of a portal. I followed him to what I hoped would be a cozy tavern, but was distressed to find us heading to a church to the Dark One. In case you didn't know, I am not a fan. At all. Hoping to avoid a smiting, I followed Syrups into the building. He turned with a warm smile, and hit a switch. It seems there is a secret room filled with a cozy fire, and, for lack of another word, a small petting zoo. Who knew Syruss had such soft spot? (well, I think most of us know that, but we don't talk about it). All in all, Syruss proved to be an excellent host, not only providing a comfortable atmosphere, but also answering all the questions I could come up with.

    Syruss, aside from running a secret petting zoo, how do you spend you time when you are not out on an adventure? 
Let's see. I do a lot to stay busy. I Co-Own a few small business in Neden. If I am not looking into the New Eden Casino or checking in on Nedens Traveling Carnival and Emporium then I am often in my and Lord Nymbous's Brewery making the next great O'Leary Cider or working Hard over at the Neden Kazoo on my next story. That's my down time, unfortunately, I am, like, almost always adventuring. If I am not heading over to my friend's lands to help them with the next Realms crisis then I am busy in neden solving smaller crimes as the Realms greatest detective. Do you have a new quest on the horizon? My next quest is getting ready for the winter Thaw and cleaning out Neden's front lawn from various creatures of the wild or escaped experiments from Jean Baptiste. We have a big BBQ coming up in a few months and there are always something to heard away or put down if they are a threat. 

    How does your nation affect your actions? 
 Neden at first was a lot of work when I came over from Grimloch so it affected everything I did for a while. Lord Nymbous was establishing his reign, there were a lot of moving pieces. But now I feel we have settled into a good grove. Now as the Duke of this great land I am constantly checking in to make sure day to day operations are still running smoothly. I organize the rabble on behalf of the Lord when he so asks, and I am constantly looking out for the prosperity and well-being of the Neden Boys. 

    Is there a correlation between JB's experiments and what you are serving at the BBQ? 
I would be so happy if I could say that JB's experiments don't lead to some of Neden delectable treats, but alas I cannot. It is because of Jaybles that we got Pizza Zombies (I still don't know how they have hot fresh pizza every time?!?! ) or his delicious Owl Bear Steaks. But to answer your question more directly about the BBQ, unless JB is bringing an experimental side dish, then it will be our newest full member Gumbo cooking and will be providing the food, which is mostly cow and chicken.

    Speaking of BBQ, what is your favorite dish at a Feast? 
My favorite dish at a feast, geez that's a tough question. I really like Rhiassa's Lord Gwen Buffalo Chicken Stew, which she keeps insisting is just dipping sauce for bread and then yells at me to stop eating it all with a spoon. But really I am biased towards Neden's Turkey Dinner Sir Naj and his crew really know how to cook a bird right, shout out to the cranberry sauce, to which was one of JB's original Experiments....Poor Gelatinous Cube Man he never saw it coming.

    Who do you most admire? Why? 
Who do I most admire, lots of people. I admire any who who push themselves to be the best version of themselves, those who stand by their friends, our dreamers and our artists, I admire the Realms Bards and those who put themselves out there. I admire those willing to train the next generation and I admire the generation that paved the way for us here and now. I admire the brave, not because they're fearless, but because they do something courageous in the face of fear. But if I had to say who I admire most it would be you because you are the one giving the interview and could totally beat me up. 
** Of note:  He may not be wrong  ~T

    Aside from Nymbous, are you courting anyone? 
He laughed.  
Nymbous and I don't like labels. But no, I am in an open relationship with adventure and friendship.

And there we have it.  Duke Syruss is happy to be friends with all of us, and we should be delighted to have such a friend.  

If you want to chat, and a cozy place to visit, let me know.  