
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Why I Want to Go-Feast of Verai

by Lani "Gwen" Jones

I’m really looking forward to feasting in Verai this weekend, and if you were smart, you pre-regged so you will be joining me there. If you didn’t, please read this and make a better choice next time. This feast is going to feature a lot of foods the Realms normally doesn’t have the luxury of trying. I’ve seen the menu, and I can tell you that I’m very excited. The theme is Mediterranean and Egyptian fare and I know for a fact that the staff has been working hard to perfect these recipes and that you lucky forty will get to reap the benefits this Saturday.

Now I know feasts are about the food, but as someone who has worked at my fair share of feasts, I also know that there is so much more to it than that. This staff is committed to providing you with an truly in-character experience throughout the day, and they will be featuring New Verai plot as part of the Folkewood Initiative. In addition, there will be opportunities for bards of the Realms to show off their stuff and games including a Cribbage Tournament (if I wasn’t in the kitchen already, I’d buy in just to show off my mad cribbage skillz). 

I know I responded right away when I got the first event announcement because I was excited to see what this staff would do and I know I won’t be disappointed. Throughout the Folkewood plot there has been a strong emphasis on immersive environments, and the themes of the food, along with the plot and entertainment of the day are sure to make this event a hit. Looking forward to seeing you there!