
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Why I Want To Go: Unavoidable Conflict by Keith

Why I want to go to Unavoidable Conflict? Is that really the question I'm answering right now?

It's going to be awesome. That's it.

Not sold? Alright. This event seems like it's going to bring together what has seemed like a mesh of serious plots, and allow them to coalesce into what can only be described as epic.

I'm fairly new to the plot, having really only been involved for the passed year. But I can say I'm invested, it has the right blend of evil looming on the horizon, and dark powers that my friends will inevitably delve too far into forcing me to try and save them. And war. They have war.

And I love that stuff.

Beyond that, this plot relies heavily on the mythos of the plot lines this staff, and the kindred of Chimeron have put forth, giving them a lot of background to play around with. I know from a source in the shadows that they have several story shards submitted for this event, which is kind of a unique thing to these events, because it allows players to accomplish things between events, and thus get special perks during the events themselves. People offering personal plot, or giving opportunities for people to get specifically invested are pretty rare, so I'd recommend taking it when you can.

It would be silly of me to ignore the fact that this will be the first opportunity for people to grandfather into the new spell system. I know behind the scenes that the OEC has worked hard getting the rules together and they should finally be ready for play by Unavoidable Conflict. This means you friendlies should come with your spell books all updated and ready for action, because I know these magic marshals will have a critical eye, and be ready to offer a helping hand, to make sure you start off on the right foot.

Now this is a capped event, and last I knew they already had a waiting list and everything, but if you're looking for something to do that day, I know the staff are welcome to NPCs, and from what I've heard it could be a mutual learning experience, as a person sees the behind the scenes of how they run their events.

And since the staff was so kind-- a sneak peak ---

A message from Warlord Saka:

We have found evidence that this faction of the Risen Kingdom, House Triskwater, has been playing the long game, operating in the caverns below Chimeron for around a decade. This will be a tough fight. The strike squad of adventurers will need to be smart, strong, and decisive.
The Militia has completed a number of daring scouting missions, and we expect the adventurers will be able leverage that intel to capture some of the facilities then turn them against the enemy. The adventurers will be coordinating with our Militia to strategically hit various objectives simultaneously, crippling key Risen Kingdom resources and keeping their command structure in crisis-mode. We've found a good point to hit first and use as a forward command center so the adventurers can direct Militia forces. Hopefully their tactical coordination will be successful in routing the enemy, and one way or another removing the Risen Kingdom from our world.


That's all for now, I hope to see you on the field,

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn