
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Winter/ Spring Zodiac

 By Janna "Iawen" Oakfellow-Pushee

A long time ago, the races of the Realms have looked into the stars and wondered, "What if?", never realizing that in some places, in some planes, those very stars were looking right back at us, wondering the same thing.  There's a lot the stars can tell us, if only we show a humble want for knowledge.

In past years, a man visited the Realms who was not a man at all, but a fallen star who took on a human persona as Hesperus Star-keeper. As it is, two Star People with the names Orion Mars and Cressida still walk with us from time to time. All have names, all have houses, all have a purpose and a drive.

And, if you're willing to listen to the what the stars have to say, you might just find yours, too.

These are thoughts on how your Winter, heading into Spring, might be turning out.

House of:

Aries:  Energetic and courageous, your reactions follow your natural spirit. You live each moment to the full, often not caring about tomorrow and this can lead to some surprises, both good and bad.   It's going to be okay; just realize that not everyone agrees with you (to your face), and if you're about to commit to something that has the potential to land you into the Necromancy Zone, think again.  Fighters who are Aries are going to have a hell of a time, celebrating and warming it up toward Spring, as are Abjurers and Channelers in this Star House.

Taurus:  Please don't be sad.  I know you've been beaten up more than normal for an adventurer, and I don't mean just physically (although I really AM sorry about that elbow to the nose; I was just reaching for a drink!).  While some describe those in House Taurus as 'bull-headed', but that doesn't mean they don't have a sensitive side as well.  And if you're chuckling over the word 'sensitive', then realize you're probably not going to make friends with that Taurus. At best, maybe close acquaintances?  A Taurus likes their praise short and public but needs private correcting with a detailed plan on how to improve.  That said, in order to improve upon the bull, you'll need to allow yourself to be yoked up for a while, and work hard. Harder than you ever have for this season.  You can rest up around the time of Feast of Chimeron.

Virgo: Yay for familiars, animal companions, and other cute, fluffy activities!  It's the only respite you'll get from the cacophony of noise and questing that awaits you.  Any Sorcerors in House Virgo will find that actions speak louder than words, as does a well-placed Lightning Bolt.  While the dramatics from your fellow questing party isn't news to you, it *will* feel off-putting and leave you a bit bewildered on how to proceed shortly after the Spring Equinox.  The stars' best advice is to keep moving forward, eyes wide open, and listen to whom might follow you (but don't look back. Never look back.).

Gemini:  Dual personality, but you already knew that.  Necromancers and Assassins who are Gemini are chomping at the bit; they cannot wait to show off their skills (or not, as the case may be).  Shooting from the shadows will land many a successful target for you this Winter into Spring, but come May the faeries will have their enchanted ways with the Trees once more, making it difficult to pull off Evil Acts. Not impossible, just difficult.  Meanwhile, Channelers and Blacksmiths in this House will find that at the end of Spring politically things are heating up, and whether they want to or not, they'll be caught up in it; time to polish that mask until it sparkles, as you'll need to put your "best face" forward to charm commoner and adventurer alike.  Sweet and sour, now's the hour.  Hop to it.

Cancer:  Fighters in this House are having a harder time than usual, but don't worry: you revel in a challenge and show remarkable stamina.  Some go for the quick strike, the flashiness of a ritual, the loud cry of 'Look at me!', but that's not you this season.  You're more content to play the long game, to wait it out, to watch from the sidelines and observe before making a move.  Observation skills, in fact, are heightened around this time until the Spring Equinox itself, so take mental advantage of every scene you can see.

Aquarius: Something smells fishy, but it's not you.  Too much water has drained your resources, your energy, your strength and almost your will.    Almost.  This winter wasn't anything to write home about, but the Spring will be spent repairing your amphora from the inside-out and filling it back up to the brim with fresh wine. Or water.  Or whatever it is that you choose to use and pour out.  Until then, though, it is strongly advised that you say 'No, thank you', to anyone who attempts to sign you up for an extra quest, a volunteer patrol, or even that cookie contest.  This is 'you time', and if you're a Shaman in this House, you're going to need it the most.

Pisces: Something smells fishy, and it's totally you.  Down in the ruins of White Coast City, were you?  While there are many sights to see from the Everglades to over the Western Mountain range, those in the Star House of Pisces ought to find their favorite body of water, and stay close to it for as long as possible.  Adventuring is great when you have the basic needs covered, yet you don't because planning a caper isn't one of your skills.  Healers, Seers, and Alchemists in this House will find their readings, their recipes, and their remedies way off the mark, and will be gaining "klutz points" right and left.  At times, you may even feel like a fish out of water (because you are), and no amount of flopping around is going to save you.  Look to help from above around the first full week of Spring, and then clear the mud off your schedules and plans in order to start fresh.

Leo: It's almost time to go out and patrol, take stock of what's going on in your territory.  Clear out the unwanted and undesirable.  You don’t like to compromise and relish confrontation with any pride that attempts to roam your territory, or even the singled-out ones that might be a threat to your clan.  Hold that paw, though, before you go swatting the mouse.  Mice can carry disease, and you don't want that, do you?  The disease goes under 'undesirable', but rather than cutting it out yourself (and risking health, among other things), this is the time to call in the experts, or the unbiased, or (dare one says it) a commoner to see the problem with fresh eyes.  And when you do tackle it, don't do it alone.  There's a reason Lions are in a Pride; carry the load together.

Libra:  I'm not judging, but you certainly are. It's shown in your body language and your actions, but not your words (even though you're speaking a lot).  While not put that to Good use (or Evil, if you're a Necromancer this is actually a great time for you and your House)?  Your judgments this season will carry weight across nations and guilds, and your decisions will swing things in your favor all the time, even if your favorite choice isn't the best choice at the time.  If you've been toying with the notion of changing yourself up completely (from caster to fighter, new looks or species, etc.), the stars are right for such an accomplishment. Make sure the demon is in the details (and choose your demon wisely).

Scorpio:  Okay, let's do this.  You're scared and excited at the same time, but you know you just have to Do The Thing, possible Things, and let's face it; you're more excited for it and what could be than being fearful(and this is a healthy change coming your way).  There's not much else to predict other than keep your head down, but your eyes up, and keep going.  Go go go!

Sagittarius: Shoot for the moon, not at it!  You don't want your arrows to bring the whole thing crashing down on you just because you didn't have the patience to line up the shot.  Look, everyone knows you're good at what you do, tremendously talented, even! It means a lot, then, to hold back and be incredibly sure of the direction you're going in.  Detailed plans are for suckers, but no plan at all is for the common chump.  Get an outline drawn up (especially if you're primarily an Alchemist or a Blacksmith), and THEN you can be spontaneous within the confines of 'the plan'.  And think of all the creativity you can get through to the target with one shot?  Best of luck to you!

Capricorn:  What's up? Chilling, chillin'.  Like you do.  Fighters and Casters alike in this House feel so far removed from the comings and goings at the moment in the Realms (as if they were in hibernation).  Soon, though, around the time after Feast of Creathorne, many will make a comeback in a slow yet determined way.  Other Houses should not mistake this for laziness; Capricorn is just getting their basic needs settled first. Shelter, Food, Trade? Check. Update or get new equipment and garb? Check.  Politics? Enh... maybe?  Not really your messenger bag. Speaking of messages, expect one soon to come from an unlikely source around the time of the Spring Equinox, but don't let it get you frazzled.