
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Gau Dring Biology Report


Creature Type: Fungus

Habitat:  Wilds of Gau Dring and beyond

Eating Habits:  Carnivorous, will consume all but a few bones. Prey is anything with flesh. Non-herbivorous. 

Behavior:   Choolates live in packs that travel across Gau Dring. Hostile toward anything that moves, they are to be avoided at all costs unless you are experienced with hunting them. Despite their cute, puff-ball appearance, choolates have a maw filled with razor sharp teeth that are honed to devour anything that crosses their path. Prey is often surrounded before it even sees the first choolate, and is then viciously ripped apart in a choolate- tornado of fluff and teeth. Usually all that remains is a few bones due to the ferocity with which the prey is consumed. This can make it difficult to call the soul of an adventurer as there isn’t a body left to call it back to, and civilians are quite frankly, shit out of luck. There have been unfortunate villages found scattered with bits of bone but no people in sight unless they managed to get into a basement in time. Choolates hate the dark and the cold, so they tend not to be so aggressive during the winter time.

Uses: Samples of choolate fur and teeth have given insight into the structure of the choolate. The spell “Identify” and the knowledge of the civilian healers has shown that their teeth are made of Adamantite, Silver, and the remaining bones of whatever they’ve eaten. The fur is made of strong, silky fibers that can be dyed and woven into very soft, fine fabrics. Choolates are also considered a delicacy in Gau Dring. They are mashed up and often served in the form of pies, cakes, and pastries.

What to do if you see one: If you encounter a choolate, your best bet is to scream “CHOOOOOLAAAAATES!!!!! RUUUUN!!!!” as loud as you can, and try to run. Don’t expect to get very far though. If you’ve seen a choolate, it’s most likely that the herd has surrounded you and you will die in a few seconds. At least if you yell out, your companions have a chance of getting away and coming back to try to find your bones.

Physical Description:  Fluffy pink puff-ball. The maw is almost as large as the choolate itself and filled with a spiral of sharp, flesh-shredding teeth. The fur of this choolate appears pink from the bloodstains of its victims. The vortex within the maw is comprised of its teeth and the bony remains of prey.

Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!