
Friday, June 29, 2018

What You Missed Photo Edition - Rhiassa Presents: The Gilded Lion Summer Festival IV

The Heroes of the Realms are welcomed to Midgard by Jarl Thorafin.

Invited by the Jarl to play games and meet his people,
the heroes engaged in board games such as Crokinole...

Skill games such as Kubb...

And Combat games such as Bjargleggja, challenging the Jarl's subjects at
these different contests.

Delicious wings and ribs were provided by their gracious hosts along with
herb-buttered roasted corn and fresh fried chips.

As usual, Loki attempted to lend his cryptic aid with the "Loki Chests".

Very popular was the traditional Viking game, Knattleikr.

More puzzles to by solved for the "Loki Chests".

Among the festivities, Aros, pries of Mimir, attempted to convey messages from
his god, informing the heroes of the need for Ragnarok to occur.

Captured, Aros was shortly thereafter executed for treason as an enraged Thorfain
closed the Vanfrost and banished the heroes from Norlund.

Back in Rhiassa, the heroes were treated to a custom burrito bar for dinner.

People eagerly await for dessert, the grand opening of Cold Springs Creamery
amongst the wide array of ice cream mix-ins.

Gwen and Aeston mix ice cream together for their guests.